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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. If that is the reel savit I think I would be saving my pennies a couple months longer & getting something better quality that you will still own in a few years. Just my opinion. Also I have noticed a bit of a difference in size of reels by different manufacturers You would think say a 4000 reel would all be the same size but they are not!
  2. Nice going BL, hopefully its your turn next time on the bigger fish, still I love to eat those pannies
  3. Frank, mate, none of us know if we are going to be here tomorrow & through personal loss at what I call an early age I like to live everyday like its my last. When 09/2022 does come around make sure you renew it for 5 years this time! You have to be optimistic mate, there is always another PB to catch so never give up the chase 😊
  4. Hi Jay, its a hard time of year as it is school holidays & every man, women, child, family is trying to do the same thing. If coastal all I can say is book early & put up with the crowds, it is what it is! Fresh water lakes, rivers, streams are probably a less restrictive proposition which there are many options. Lake Jindabyne/Eucumbene might be worth a go & you get to see some good country on the journey as well. Yeh its a tough call at that time of year, that's why I take holidays in February when all the kids & adults have gone back to work
  5. And here I was thinking this was going to be a cooking segment But it does look like you guys were smoking hot 😅 Good to see some fish finally being caught in the area!
  6. Good on you @Berrero for your efforts & rewards. That's what it is all about, anytime of the year. IF your prepared to put in the time & effort regardless of what could be a result then that's all that matters !
  7. Personally I have tried fresh & salted oysters with little result, mostly because I have had access to free shucked oysters. Imo not many fish see oysters as natural food, I mean not many smaller species fish can crack an oyster shell right? So I would try to concentrate your efforts on other forms of natural bait, nippers, worms, etc. Other than that the soft plastic versions.
  8. Awesome stuff Rev. Cant ask for much more than that! Man catches food, then uses food to catch bigger better food
  9. I bought a pump recently when I changed my gear oil. Dam it made life easy, so worth the $20 to me!
  10. Nice looking rig Zoran 👍 Look out all you deep dwellers 😊
  11. The information is already out there, you just have to look for it! https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/saltwater-bag-and-size-limits On locations, you will need to look at if there are any sanctuary or similar marine parks where collecting is allowed Or not. These zones are usually able to be seen on RMS boating maps or check the DPI website for them. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/marine-protected-areas https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/using-waterways/maps/boating-maps.html Also on your comment re pollutants etc & whether or not fish are edible this information is also out there, as to if there is a possibility of infections from cuts make by oysters well its pretty much possible to get infection from anything from the sea from anywhere. the fact that oysters are filterers & collect microscopic organisms makes them an even higher risk. Id be wearing gloves for sure, like those smooth gardening gloves from bunnings! https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/pests-diseases
  12. The answer is simple! Take it back to where you bought it!! It should still be under warranty. They will decide if its repairable or just replace it. I don't why you wouldn't do this through where you purchased it from anyway?
  13. Maybe PM yowie! He is the Hacking guru 👍
  14. Great work shroom Your excitement jumps through the screen, & the mic 😊
  15. Pretty much enough said!
  16. As I was saying its the same as any trailer. You can have a registered car carrier & you can go pick up a car. You can have a registered box trailer & go pick up some rubbish & take it to the tip. Both can travel empty! As long as your trailer is registered you can drive around town with nothing on it all day & night if you like as long as its registered.
  17. Any trailer is registered independent of whatever it carries. But any trailer needs to be registered & road worthy regardless of what's on it to travel on the road!
  18. Maybe you should be looking at a kayak then?
  19. @chris b, wasn't this covered in your pervious thread?? I think you might need to do some reading & or contact the RMS if you cannot understand information in the links. I don't want to sound harsh but why is it you are against getting your license??
  20. Really 🙄 So the whole industry must be spinning us curve balls then I guess by that premise there is no difference between a Stella & a Sienna?
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