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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Its just a cheap Rovex one I bought through site sponsor Dinga, https://www.dinga.com.au/rovex-egi-squid-specialist-spin-fishing-rod-8-6-2pce-17548.html Its my 1st Egi rod & I didn't want to spend a whole lot like you can on dedicated squid gear. For half price at $50 delivered I though why not it will do the job
  2. The Aird X is a now discontinued model while the BG is current, hence the cheap price point of the Aird X. On paper they are pretty comparable, the Aird actually has 9+1 BB over while the BG6+1 BB so the Aird imo would be a slightly smoother for that reason. Both great value reels & if you your not concerned about having the newest shiny toy then why not save some coin for the rod by getting the Aird. I have a BG4000 but for $79 Im keen on getting an Aird just to have in the cupboard for later on or put it on a new Egi rod I have coming.
  3. I didn't say there was! It was just a recommendation to me & I don't mind the small incremental cost even if it only helps fractionally. I have read a few investitive stories & also seen some experiments on high octane petrol & agree they do more for high end performance engines. Im happy to pay that knowing at least I will be getting what is probably a more cleaner burn in the long run Besides I go through about 75ltrs of fuel a year tops in my little tinny so $7.50 a year isn't going to break the bank 😉 Not sure if its related but I've had my 25hp Mercury seapro for 9 years & haven't even changed the spark plugs yet!
  4. When buying my Merc 25hp from new 9 years ago the guys at the shop gave me a run through. I was told to only use premium 95 or 98 octane fuel, & I have for 9 years without any issues. Personally I think fuel contamination starts more from where you buy it from in the 1st place! I was also shown how to pull the fuel line off while the engine is running to ensure all the fuel is burned in the lines/bowl/filter etc, running the motor with the muffs on until it conks out, they even said pull the choke out when you feel the engine start to stall. I have thought about using an additive for when my tank sits around half full as it does at times, probably the longest being about 8 months but then I have gone to the ramp in plenty of similar situations & it has started fine so never worried about using it. I do also make sure the breather on the tank is closed off while in storage. I know in many situations people don't have the option of doing what I do with the bigger motors/boats so yeh I would consider it in those circumstances.
  5. Its at that point at this point any so called 'responsibility' on your part should have ceased not that I believe it should exist at all!! My point being your simply making a suggestion that it is worth looking at further, its then up to the end buyer to take the steps go through it further in more depth with an inspection & not just pull his cheque book out on your advice. Had he got it serviced upon returning to Brisvagas it probably wouldn't have happened! Its a shame your ex mate couldn't see it that way 😕
  6. Now thats a nice sized Kingie I've put my order in for one of those models this spring/summer 😁 Well done Derek
  7. kingie chaser

    Boat Law

  8. What is worth?? So is a single human life worth more or less than a shark or a certain number, is that the question?? Or is the question that we are in there domain so what right do we have to kill sharks to preserve human life where the danger wouldn't exist if we weren't there?? Plenty of ways to look at the subject & plenty of other related animal story's that impact OUR way of life & this is a highly politicalised subject. Regardless of the numbers on either side when it comes to conservation your either a green that thinks we don't deserve the right to impact any animals rights OR your on the pro human side. Ultimately we need to have an overall balance, where sharks are concerned yes net public areas & leave the rest. How do we achieve it? Well that's another question. Its not only a subject that is sea based as either, the way feral/introduced species & pest animals are impacting the man on the land & the country is huge but again the greens will side on the animal over our existence. FWIW if you want to talk about saving sharks then maybe look at this video & then you will see meshing has FA impact!! Not sure how the subject turned to monitors but just think ourselves lucky we don't have Komodo's on our shores! Not that we need another venomous killer here 😂
  9. It is more of a squid grounds area around there & I would not discount the occasional king cruising the area but I wouldn't say its a usual place for them. On any day they could be anywhere! Ive seen people catch nice whiting of Congwong beach but you have to dodge the swimmers as well. If you do some searching on here you will find lots of threads relating to BB that may help.
  10. Depending on your budget which you don't mention maybe something in the Daiwa Saltist Demon blood V2 range or in cheaper side the Saltist X spin range
  11. I hope there is a good outcome but not sure why people continually ignore weather warnings & don't put on life jackets, especially considering the vessel size & being in open water! Its just not worth it for a few fish!!
  12. A@sehol#s!! You need a better camera with a tele lens Rick so you can capture them in the act& get their faces on record. Name & same if possible! Still I would be reporting it to fisheries, at least they could do more patrols in the area & hopefully catch them in the act one day.
  13. Welcome to the forum & good luck when you get out there 👍
  14. Should just be hddd.mmm.mmmm & WGS 84 shouldn't it?
  15. Its just a handheld for when out in the bush. Sometimes.I can be a fair way from the vehicle so carry the GPS & also a PLB. It stays in the one format, it just has the others in its memory depending what country your in. The other cool feature is you can take a picture & it records the exact position, I can then send it to another unit via wifi. If I hadn't already bought this I would have got one of the InReach models that is a topo gps & has inbuilt PLB feature but you do have to have a sim card & subscribe though you can do that for a short period. I guess the alternative is a sat phone.
  16. Yes, on a shop USA Only difference is it came with US 110am plug which & just bought an adapter for. Didnt come with maps so I installed Australian Garmin topo maps via micro sd card.
  17. They usually rate rods on lure weight not lure length! Seeing as you have a BG3000 how about a SALTIST-X 70M, this rod is probably more suited to the BG4000 though & would be a good combo imo. I recently got a SALTIST-X 762H & combined it with the BG4000 with 30lb J X8 braid, as a heavyish outfit. nice rods & reel combo though for $259 delivered! Pretty much got the reel & braid free in the deal from one of my favourite stores which I cant name 🤐
  18. 99.9% of GPS units have changeable formats. My Garmin 64sc has 42 different position formats
  19. I have bought plenty of gear from the States but not when its $0.68AU. If there was an issue 99.9% sure you would need to send it back to the USA for warranty as that's where it was purchased from I have rolled the dice before on a few high ticket items but the exchange rate was on or close parity so worth the risk.
  20. That's probably because the council fails to recognise that some native species/marsupials are actually omnivores so of course they are going to seek out baits! 1080 is being used almost everywhere & mostly unfortunately as the sole control method which as you state also affects natives. I went to a recent Shoalhaven Landcare fox eradication seminar to offer my services FOC & they just wanted people to lay baits even though stating 1 in 4 baits are actually effective, so what happens to the other 3?? They(landcare) also admitted that shooting was a more effective control but the feeling of local land owners were concerned that introducing shooters more of a concern than the impact the fox's have. Anyway their loss. One of those things I guess where the actions of a few affect the many who are legitimate & responsible! Its unfortunate that so many city slickers are so unaware of the plight of our natives through feral impacts but also unwilling to hear that anyone using a firearm as can be an effective control method. If it wasn't for the efforts of legitimate law abiding recreational firearm owners/hunters this country would be over run with ferals & cost the government multi millions of $$-dogs, pigs, fox's, cats, deer, rabbits, goats, camels just to name a few. BTW that is the same Qual, I followed it for a bit to see if I could get a better shot but it was taken with a very average camera. Trail cams are great for this kind of think especially at night.
  21. Saw this one in an area around Tamworth some years ago, it was chewing on some sort of road kill. My first encounter with one. Beautiful native animals that deserve protection, apart from ferals there are many that probably also die from the same 1080 baits that are supposed to protect them but using 1080 makes the greeny's feel like they are doing something even though the most effective feral pest management in this country is recreational hunters imo & draws very little recognition!
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