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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/resources/artificial-reef/southern-sydney
  2. There has been a few blackfish threads out recently. Some of them talk about acquiring weed like this one.
  3. Lesson learnt I bet! I do both & I only have a 13ft tinny. If I didn't use tiedowns the thing would just bounce off the trailer.
  4. Looks like a good day to be 40km off shore, even if you do get out fished by the missus πŸ˜•πŸ˜‚ Thanks for sharing πŸ‘
  5. Nice vid, in my younger days I used to go to every show every year there was to be seen, cars, 4x4's, boats, shooting, fishing, camping etc. Dreaming like you do most of the time I guess Now I only go if I have a purchase in mind & even then I really do my research before hand so I know what is a fair price & what it an amazing price. The last 4x4 show I went to I bought a TJM bar fitted for my Triton for $600 of their normal store price. When you have that many people in one spot your the one that has the upper hand imo! For that the entry price & the effort to get there was worth it πŸ‘ The one you can afford πŸ˜… 4x4's are almost like boats, & we all know what that stands for right, same thing goes for 4x4's, bottomless pits!
  6. Im happy to learn any new method which I have just seen 2. To be critical the top one for me although good leaves to much silver skin for me. The 2nd not sure how much wastage there would be from pulling the whole centre pin bone rack out? But both are worth trying for sure. Cheers guys πŸ‘
  7. Didn't mean any offence by my comments GF! We all have to do what we need to do when we can with whatever our pursuits are. I pursue other activities which I enjoy just as much as fishing when the weather turns cooler & the fishing inshore becomes less productive. I try to do all the things I like to do when its prime time, plain & simple. It was the same when I worked in the ski fields of NSW for 14 years. I would only generally ski about 60 days a season out of a possible 120, if the weather & snow was crap I would do other things like go fishing on the banks for lake Jindabyne, but dam I made the most of those 60 days on the snow & enjoyed every second of it. Again I had that luxury of choice in picking my days. Spoilt, maybe but hey we all do what we want to do when we want to do it unless...……………. your incarcerated of course. Happy fishing anyway πŸ‘
  8. Welcome aboard TJ. Im not a yaker but there are some things in here worth looking at for you. https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/97-the-kayak-krew/
  9. Ive removed it carefully with a knife pressed gently at the seam before, holding the shot on a set of longnose pliers. Not going to work every time but you will get some back.
  10. Yeh 1942 was a good game. I have a disc somewhere with 100 or so of those old Mame games on it. Every now & then I break it out for a reminisce. Only thing is Im not reallt a PC gamer. I just need to have the feeling of the joystick in my hands.....................πŸ™„πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‚
  11. I don't think you were ever a kid if you didn't annoy the hell out of your mum for 20c so you could go down to the corner shop & either play the pinnie or the table space invaders, galaxian, pacman, astoroids, frogger(reminds me of a Seinfeld episode😁), donkey kong, moon patrol...……………………..the list goes on & on. I wouldn't stop playing until my name was on the top of the points list. Hang on I just spent all my pocket money to πŸ˜‚ Then comes the Atari, Nintendo game boy, 64, xbox, PS. Now its PS4 pro. Once a gamer, always a gamer I recon 🀘
  12. I had a play around today & tried to place the holder in a few locations to see what worked best for me & don't think where I wanted to originally place it isn't going to work. I think looking at your pic frank that could be a better solution for me although where I would have to place it for the shape of the hull will get in the way of my other rod holder so might have to remove that one. Thanks very much for the offer Frank, much appreciated. I have had this rod holder which I originally bought for the 4x4 bulbar for a few years now but then I ended up made something else for rod transport/storage so I would like to put it to use rather than collecting dust. Now will probably go back to using the pre drilled holes in the holder. So stainless bolts are the go?? I have some of that anti corrosion stuff somewhere I can use. Cheers .
  13. Hi Jeff, Im sure if you jump in the car & go for a cruise around the NB there will be plenty parked on the side of the road or in driveways. Anyway here's one that's reasonably local. https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/woodberry/trailers/14ft-tilt-trailer-12-months-rego/1228597060 The only thing that comes with not wanting to pay to much usually means more work they will need, but im sure you know that. I couldn't wait to replace my nearly 50 year old Whitley, contemplated replacing the rear axle, rollers, skid, hubs, wheels, winch, springs, hell I thought maybe I should just spend some coin & buy a new one for $2500 which will last my life time, glad I did. The new Dunbier rides so well I sometimes forget I am towing, which is maybe a bad thing...………….na πŸ˜… Good luck mate, sounds like a great gift for the young bloke
  14. Thanks Zoran, yeh the pre drilled hole are pretty large so it would have to use a few washers to step down in size or make some small plate. The blind rivets are the way to go I recon. I have a drill oress so no biggy. Cheers And apologies again to BC, didnt mean to hijack your thread!
  15. Just looked at some of these, sounds like a good option to me if you don't have access But if there is a cavity at the back like in the picture the OP has shown I think I would rather used a straight through bolt. Maybe a picture of where it is actually going to be mounted might help
  16. Very true frank, point taken. I will rethink it today. Looks like I am going to doing a few thinks like this tomorrow as I was going to go fishing in BB but think it will be a waste of time. I also want to add a hatch type of cover to the front under storage area of the bow so I can re arrange my anchor/rope storage
  17. Just opening an old thread as I didn't want to start a new one. Rain is always a welcomes sight, a shame its not reaching as much of the west where its really needed. But places like Mudgee have had 30 mils so that's great for the region. So same question as the OP. I had planned to go fishing in Botany bay tomorrow, actually Wednesday originally but that was never going to happen. Anyway now we have had so much rain is it worth the effort?? I have other things to do like some mods on the tinny so if going fishing would be a bit of a waste of time I would rather do the mods in preparation for the next trip. How long would you wait after all this rain flushes out everything out of the rivers before you would get back out there??
  18. I thought it was stainless that reacted with aluminium?? Yes I have some aluminium rivets, I will just drill new holes into the holder & the seat & do it that way. Cheers guys. Edit: thanks frank, I guess where we put these is an individual thing but I don't really want to attach anything via the hull. I have a deck like you between the 2 bench seats so its either in front of the front seat or at the back of the rear. Cheers.
  19. How funny, I was going to start a thread on a similar line. Back cruncher, not wanting to hijack this thread but if I can ask a quick question on the back of this it will save opening another thread. I want to add this type of rod holder to the back of the rear seat in my ally tinny & because bolts are not an option as the seats are foam filled, I thought self tapping galvanised metal screws would be the go??
  20. Launching is one part of it, the retrieval is the other πŸ€” It becomes a car.park when its time to come home as well! I was going out tomorrow for the 1st time since April but the forecast is very average. I also have Friday off & that looks like it will be a much better day. Im happy to leave the weekends to the monday to fridayers & the jet skies Good luck Duff πŸ‘
  21. Its a pretty newish ramp (approx 5 or 6 years old I think since.refurb). Probably has to be the best & well maintained ramp in the area. I have never had an issue there but I.only have a 13ft tinny. The biggest issue with the place is how busy it gets on weekends & the people that go there that dont have any etiquette or know how launch or retrieve a boat which is why I dont use it on a weekend!
  22. Nice work fella's, stonkers I still hope we can get onto some of those on the next FR meet!
  23. Wow alright Great pics & stunning looking fish Some truly tasty species there! Nice looking kebabs to πŸ˜‰
  24. I have also started to go to Zman & similar plastics that don't require to be kept in any liquid. BUT I still have a heap of gulps to use up so I just make sure they are kept in the 'alive' liquid to keep them hydrated!
  25. Made in the good old days when there was no such think as political correctness 🀣 Look forward to seeing the 1st luderickπŸ€ͺ, I mean luderick it catches πŸ˜… Edit: See the auto corrector already changed the 1st luderick from the "N" word πŸ™„
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