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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. The Yowie seafood platter specials are back on the menu🙂Nice bag Dave, I'm back at work now so trips for me might only be a day on the weekend burleying for jet skis🙄
  2. Sounds like you hit a patch of good flatties, great work!
  3. That would have been a beast Bob! Damn those biteys!
  4. That is one fine fish! Great post and congrats on what looks like a cracking PB. Some weekend away:)
  5. Nice bag Dave and the big bream would have almost pulled the rod out of the tinny! Is Maiainbar still full of weed?
  6. Music and fishing go well together!
  7. Nothing like a great day's tuition! Great post!!
  8. On Saturday I headed out into the Hacking for an arvo fish on the flats. The nor'easter was relentless all afternoon and made it hard to do most things. I ended up with a feed to take home and made it just in time before the westerlies arrived.
  9. Another cracking metre+ Jew! it’s hard to imagine you only only returning one fish for 9 hours on the water! well deserved and you have the plan of attack perfected over your long days of hunting👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  10. What a trip Gordo! it had it all…remote location, good company and pristine fishing water! Lots of fish and no doubt you’ll be planning a return trip sooner than later😀
  11. That's a productive 15 minutes and I'm sure you'll be getting a few hundred casts in every spare moment with the new rod. I also picked up a new rod this week... Diawa TD Black Wicked Weasel...6'6" on sale and has added plenty of distance to my casts, especially with a newly spooled reel.
  12. Great post Bob! It must have been epic watching the prawns getting smashed and you guys sure got onto some good fish!
  13. I'll swap you for some snapper fillets some time🙃
  14. Thanks, it was pretty pleasant out there and nice to have my son on board to get into them! Yep they like snipping livies in half! Thanks, enjoyed with a nice curry! Cheers Rebel Weekend is looking good weather wise but the boat traffic will be up! Thanks Dave, it's nice to get some size in lieu of numbers and it's fun watching whatever is cruising the flats, not much chance on 6lb leader though:) Thanks Bob, you are right...every time you get smoked, you come back for more!
  15. Great post Mike and you sure got onto some quality fish on the flat! All the best for the impending birth of Number 4!
  16. Headed out yesterday morning for a session in the Hacking. Weather forecast was pretty kind and I was on the water for the bottom of the ebb tide. Pumped some nipper and fished the flats further upstream away from the brown snot weed at Maianbar. Very quiet on the water traffic-wise and my son joined me later in the morning so we collected some poddies and tried trolling livies around and had another go on the flats with some more nippers collected from Maianbar. Lost livies to big tailor (courtesy of the arc like bite behind the head. Also lost something significant up on the flats that woke up close to the boat and got the tail working with a brisk bust of on 6lb gear. Ended up with three nice whiting in the high 30s and a small flatty that was the first fish of the day. A few fillets after a fair few hours on the water and overall a pleasant day out!
  17. jenno64

    Bate Bay

    Great bag of singing flathead Yowie!🤪
  18. A bit of solid action there Yowie! that’s your first flatty for the summer outside the slot limit with plenty more to come! promising to get a decent king to follow and you bagged some fillets for the table. I’m off work next week so hope to get out amongst it🙏🏻
  19. Welcome aboard and a great vid…. Nice flatty!
  20. Larkin you did it! Congrats on a magnificent and well-deserved fish...I've been watching your posts for a year and you had this one coming! Enjoy the feast and the dinner table banter to go with it!
  21. jenno64

    Bate Bay

    Nice Fillets Yowie Lots of trailers parked in the street this morning....tomorrow will be busy too....good you got out early:)
  22. Nice work Stewy....congrats on the plastics it must be very rewarding to get fish on your own inventions! Nice pics too!
  23. Good to see a Yowie platter again! Has the snotty weed gone yet? I'm hanging to get back out there soon!
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