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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Headed out into the Georges this morning to avoid the Hacking boat traffic....a bit more room to escape the %^&*heads:). Bought some live prawns a couple of days ago and kept them a dozen or so alive. Headed to my poddy spot an hour after high tide but they weren't cooperating and I only got a couple. I almost spent the day at the spot when the boat was sitting high and dry on a sand bank with the tide quickly receding but thankfully a couple of kayaks paddled past and helped me wrestle the boast back into deeper water, thanks guys! Headed up river to one of my favourite deep spots and had one poddy crushed on a drift, possibly a jew? The wind picked up so I headed to another spot to drop a live prawn and and my only poddy. Picked up a small flatty on the prawn but the livey remained untouched. Time to tie some lures on and try another spot. With the electric I trolled a hard body and a blade across a shallow patch of reef and had instant results, picked up a nice flatty on the blade in the 50s. The next hour it was one with a fish every drift. I tied on a bigger HB on my heavier rod and it nailed a couple of flatties in the high 50s and dropped an airborne croc too. Last fish was the best going 75cm and my first croc release of 2023. The release video was hard work as the nor Easter was howling by this time. Took 4 nice flatties home for the table and glad to have released a nice model. Steering is ratshit so the boat won't be getting wet for a while as I need to change the steering cable before next outing! Happy New Year Raiders!
  2. Sounds like a full on session! well done👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  3. Well done on some nice flatties! Good to hear the poddies doing some damage! Some very nice crocs there!
  4. Sounds like the Hastings is on fire...get back out there in 2023!
  5. That is a beautiful creek....I bet it is packed with people at the moment!
  6. You never fail to bring a smile to a fisho's face Bob, great way to top off 2022!
  7. Some species selection there Basil, many feeds too!
  8. Great day out and a friendship continues....happy new year!
  9. Nice work The squid have eluded me for months now😪
  10. Great pic beautiful fish and the feed would have been top notch👌
  11. Nice work Larkin fillets and baits!
  12. Nice work Dave! pristine fillets and you avoided the holiday madness!
  13. Headed out on Wednesday mid morning, pumped some nippers and collected a few poddies then headed upstream to some flats for the run out. Tried trolling livies up and down the main channel first but only one poddt mauled. Pretty quiet on the flats but I managed the flatty in the mid 50s on a poddy then the bigger whiting on a nipper. Got the other 2 fish on nippers just after the tide turned. The brown weed was an issue clogging up swivels and baits but at least we got a few. Had too much Christmas prep over the past few days so it was the only window to get out and I think it will be night fishing only for the next 2 weeks. Meery Christmas to all the Raiders and their families....tight lines, lotsa food and cool drinks for all:)
  14. Great session Bob, Merry Christmas!
  15. Now that is an unusual double...hoe brackish is that water?
  16. jenno64

    Bate Bay

    Nice feed Dave, shame about the gummy not being a jew! Never caught one but they must fight in a similar way!
  17. Nice haul and well done on releasing a big girl!
  18. Solid variety platter Dave! I'm looking forward to getting back on the water before the Christmas/New year mayhem! Might have to start launch the tinny at midnight:)
  19. Great post salty! love to read about a plan that gets the chockies! impressed by you already beating your goal for the year!
  20. Quality bass there Bob, good change of plan👌
  21. Nice flatties….looks like a promising season coming up👌
  22. jenno64


    Great work Frank enjoy the filets
  23. Great fish Larkin, you are Mr Consistency😁 As the others say I think squid or cuttle got your bait!
  24. Well done Rebel I remember getting nothing out of a the Zenith beach gutter one morning then cast up against the rocks and the whiting were everywhere! Good job!
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