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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Great bag and you seem to nail them every time. Interesting the bite hots up after dark!
  2. Bruce sounds like you have a well-trained crew! Nice mixed bag and you got the family time in too!
  3. Love to read a post with one caught inshore:)
  4. Dave, you've made one journey here, just lock in the next! Yowie owns this river! Yes, I've caught bream before on poddies but not on 5 inch models! Cheers Thanks Rebel! I think I was robbed with the bream length Yowie, I even reckon 2cm would have been fair:) As for the whiting, it's the biggest I've caught for a while. This one was pretty lean so I think it may have just spawned so probably not that heavy. The best ever was a beast that I caught on a live prawn 20 years ago in Gunnamatta Bay. From memory it was up around 50! I thought it was a soapy until I dragged it up the beach:) Thanks, it's nice to get 2 species over 40 in one outing! Sure are, I filleted them down at the beach yesterday and ate some last night, very sweet! Thanks Larkin! Thanks Pickles! I usually have one heavier line out with a poddy but I had none left by the time I hit the second spot. I'm keen to troll them for kings in the deeper water around here:)
  5. School prawns are the sweetest! Great work on the haul!
  6. Launched at 10 yesterday for a leisurely start on the flats pumping some nippers first up and collecting a few poddies. By midday the tide started rolling in but the whiting were not to be found. My heavier line with a large poddy screamed off and I thought I had hooked a decent flatty given the bait was pretty large. Very surprised to see a big bream turning on its side in the weed. Got him on board pretty quickly and he was only lip hooked. I realised why it had been such a lame fight as he had a deformed tail section and wouldn't have the power of a normal bream at that size. Took a quick pic on the lie detector and released him to fight another day. Next catch was equally surprising as a pesky pelican swam across one of my lines and hooked up on 4lb braid, taking off and almost spooling me on my whiting rod. I managed to hold on and just as he took off again the leader snapped! I was thankful that I could retrieve about 80m of line and re-rig. I pulled up stumps and moved up river to where the water was a bit discoloured. Drifted another flat and my lightest line screamed off and a thumper of a whiting came on board at 45cm. Tried a few surface lures as I drifted but no go. As the tide turned I used the electric motor to managed a slow troll and then the whiting came on, seemingly liking the moving baits. Over the next couple of hours I managed some really good fish with 3 over 40cm in total and a solid bag. In between fish I caught about 20 small pinkies, tarwhine and bream and only one undersized whiting. Water depth was around a metre and it had some colour in it. I also got smoked by something, possibly a salmon or king as there were some pretty big boils going on and birds diving at bait. Much nicer on the water with less boat traffic:) Very happy with the haul and today I'll take the fish down to the rock pool to do some serious filleting!
  7. Great report Larkin! you covered plenty of beach species in those sessions and scored some good feeds!
  8. Great results over the festive season! What did you use to smoke the king?
  9. I thought you'd be out today Yowie! I had a few hook-ups and losses the other day too! Nice flatty and your regular fillets will be nice on the table, last whiting was a corker!
  10. Yep, never know how fresh shop bought fish is...this was exquisite:) Launched from Wally's Wharf.....parked at the top of the hill:( Cheers! Yowie, that's why you weren't out there right? Bet you are out today instead:)
  11. Little Flatty A very entertaining and well written post that you have also supported the tackle industry as a result of Derek’s excellent tuition! good luck with the new knowledge and toys and we will look forward to your future top water reports!
  12. I must have been feeling relaxed lately, in holiday mode as I assumed today was back to normal with maybe a whole lot of people back at work. I realised I had it wrong when I was driving to the ramp at 6am and parking was all gone! Checked and whoops today was another public holiday. Launched and headed around to chase a few squid as I already collected nippers yesterday. Got a few smaller models in the bag by 7am and my son-in-law who was staying over texted me to come and join me so I picked him up nad we headed over to the flats to chase some whiting. With a massive tide rolling in the fish seemed to be spread far and wide with us only picking up 2 keepers in an hour or so. Headed around to another area flooded with the tide and picked up a few more but mostly undersized. On the run home we trolled a couple of nippers behind the boat with the electric and my son in law's rod bends over, after a short fight a thumping whiting comes aboard measuring 42cm (his first ever whiting and a nice PB to start the account😁). We were being beckoned to come home and go and get some fish and chips with the family but we decided the catch deserved a beer batter cook up. After a quick fillet job it was beer battered fish and calamari with a couple of coldies for lunch. Happy new year!
  13. Great bag Bruce and I’m sure the kids all enjoyed the action!
  14. Great post Gordo, you had me riveted! Nice gummy and great to get a feed with cold beers to wash it down. Made the wait at the ramp all worth it!
  15. Congrats on surviving that! and for the trevs 👌
  16. Nice post, that second pic looks very inviting and fishy!
  17. Nice bag and I love the addition of oysters and sashimi and of course the pale ale:) HNY
  18. Thanks Dave, it was a frustrating morning out but always good to get a feed to save the day:) Kicking myself for handling the situation as I did, too complacent but will learn for next time:) The tides weren't right for nippers today but they normally are my go to livies:) Bust offs just make me keener to get back out there! Cheers Rebel!
  19. Great morning out Pickles, plenty of kings and a few jewies thrown in! Bet the change of pace from bream was welcome and the early start was the go with all the boat traffic at the moment! All the best for '22!
  20. Go the flatties and the Sharks:) Great day out!
  21. Collected some nice poddies yesterday ready for a morning assault on the Georges, figured the Hacking would be busy. Launched about 6:30 and went looking for some squid but came up empty. Headed up river and dropped livies down in my deep water spots for not much action except a few runs. On the the peak of the runout I hit a deep water spot up river and had a hit on one rod while the drift was pretty fast. As I picked up the rod my other rod went off on a screaming run and I had left the Minn Kota on so I went into a loop, ending up busting off one fish and the other was well and truly reefed with shredded leader coming back on board. By now I had 4 good hits that normally would have resulted in a decent flatty or jew. When the going gets tough the tough go to the bait shop and I pick up some tube worms🤪 I hit the flats around Towra just as the nor' easter hit and drifted around for a couple of 40+ flatties, one on a poddie and one on a worm, a bream in the high 30s and finished off with a 38cm whiting that smashed a worm at a drift speed of a few knots. Good to get a feed after a long morning and nothing like a packed boat ramp to greet me on return, bozos just about everywhere today. Will be off the water for a few days while the cowboys do their thing and looking forward to catching the fireworks in the city tomorrow night from my mate's office floor! Happy new year to all!
  22. jenno64

    Bate Bay

    Wise Yowie ....avoiding the Hacking today, good catch and it might be time to leave the water to the cowboys for a few days:)
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