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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Thank you Yes sorry I should of added that in. Caught off Sydney the first fish in around 110 metres of water the second around 60m. I agree with the second ID the first one the eyes on mine look more pronounced than the one in the link.
  2. Hi guys I went out for a few hours today with not much luck. Some ID help would be much appreciated.
  3. If you are there when it’s serviced have a look at the condition of the gearbox oil ( compared to the new stuff) and the fine particles in it. I would rather mine have fresher oil in it.
  4. I agree with my etec won’t be going 300 hrs or 3 years without a service. Same as my cars I like fresh clean oil in them.
  5. I have a 150HO etec and love it on my 5.7 stacer bowrider. I doubt any 150 4 stroke would come close to matching it’s performance. It has a nice note to it, still pretty quiet and no fumes. Although if I was just fishing and trolling I might be tempted for a 4 stroke. I’d be looking at the number of cylinders and displacement compared to other similar sized engines and getting the maximum hp the boat can have.
  6. Very nice fish well done. What rig do you use for livies in the deep?
  7. Well done on reaching 14 years, it’s pretty impressive considering the changes in that time. 10 years for me snuck past a couple of months ago and I was a guest viewer before that.
  8. Having to put them on a bragmat is kinda asking for it. Another way I sometimes use to resize photos is email them to yourself from the phone. It generally asks the size you want for the email after you push send. I then save them back to the camera roll. If it doesn’t ask you about the size add a few extra random pics in to the email.
  9. Takes Ricks advice he has a bucket load of experience. A sea anchor is a good thing even if you have an anchor. I have the cone type that I do not like and the parachute type I use a lot. It really pulls the boat up and the drift is less controlled by the breeze. If I am fishing for flathead or squid I still want to cover plenty of ground but need to get the bait to the bottom the sea anchor is perfect.
  10. Having a bait freezer is the go and collect it. I will buy the odd bag of IQF pillies but a lot of the time I come home with more bait then I took. When you freeze bait do it so it’s easier to separate later. Take bait in a small esky and frozen water bottle just defrost what you need.
  11. Sounds like a pretty tasty result from trying conditions.
  12. Road tyre’s go well on the sand IMHO and are quieter than ATs
  13. That’s awesome fab1 I can’t wait for the reports when I’m working. I think the better fish are caught in the estuaries on the weekdays. You can stalk Yowie too.
  14. Also if you look at recent posts of @rickmarlin62 He has reports containing his tips for squid fishing from a wharf using a float.
  15. I think most people count as the various jigs will have differing sink rates. If you aren’t getting snagged on the weed or kelp occasionally the jig isn’t getting deep enough. Start with a cheap jig to get a feel for the area.
  16. I wouldn’t bother with an egi rod to start with although my landbased squid experience is fairly minimal. The squid are right through he Hacking so anywhere there is a bit of sea grass or kelp around you are in with a chance. Keep your eyes out for ink stains on the wharf where you are fishing, that will give you some idea if squid have been caught in the area recently.
  17. Awesome. I’d love to target the washes done day.
  18. Thanks. Sport was cancelled this weekend and school work for my girls still stopped us getting out.
  19. Wow that’s a long time between reports! Hopefully you get some more fishing in soon.
  20. Thanks it was it is pretty hard to beat flathead fillets and calamari for dinner.
  21. After a chilly start the day turned out awesome.
  22. Dad and I went for the first fish in ages on Saturday out of the Hacking. We started off in the search of squid and took a while to find them ending up with 9 good size calamari. We moved on with some flatties in mind thinking it would be pretty easy of course it turned out to be pretty hard going. The jackets proved to be a pain and cost us a few rigs. We picked up 6 flatties before calling it a day. In the end we worked pretty hard for our feed. No fishy photos sorry guys. Magic day to be on the water ?
  23. That’s awesome. A few great feeds coming up. Were you using a paternsta set up?
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