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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Kiwicraig what system do you fish in? So maybe a sliding stopper knot, float and straight through to jig is the go.
  2. I have thought about this too. Possibly even with a baited squid spike. I often pull up a squid on bait only to lose it when it lets go near the boat. If I leave the bait in the water I sometimes can do the switch if I have a rod rigged with a jig. Oddly it is often in areas I wouldn't target squid. And I haven't had much success throwing in a jig after that, so I guess they are just passing through and take an interest in the bait. I think for the float to work you would want a reasonably constant water depth with the jig set about a metre above. Would you use a paternoster type set up below the float or just the jig? The float should keep them under tension when you hook up making it hard for them to get slack line to escape as well.
  3. I bought some torches and handles on Steve's (Stapo) recommendation. Looking forward to giving them a whirl in a few weeks down Burrill Lake or Tabourie. Here is the link to his thread http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=79038&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  4. Thanks to you Stapo Santa has two torches for me and the handle and bracket is on its way.
  5. If I have any problems on the road I sure hope you are not far behind Fab! These people sound pretty unlucky the spare was removed. There must be plenty of people that a carrying a flat spare tyre around as well. It's also scary to think how many poorly maintained trailers will be travelling long distances over the next few weeks.
  6. Great report. That's the first I have heard of anybody catching Bonnies in numbers. Nice pic too
  7. Thanks guys and my apologies Antony I didn't intend to hijack your thread. Mine is the 150HO 12 months old. I'm really happy without at this stage, I believe I also read the HO is programmed to use more oil as well. The dealer did supply XD100. On its next trip in I might ask the question to find out. No idea on how many hours are in the motor but I would guess over 50.
  8. You'd have to be stoked with two flatties like that in a day.
  9. I think it is probably wise but the boat dealer was pretty adamant it isn't necessary. It's just hit one year now.
  10. I use xd100 but the when I purchased the boat they say come back in 3 years for service. So I think they are set for normal oil from the factory and I'm using double the rate I need to. Does that sound right? I have never run the oil container below half. I have heard they can run without oil at low revs for a few hours without damage. I certainly won't be testing that out.
  11. Great report. Always nice to see kids loving it.
  12. I long day on the water sure does take its toll. Especially when we have to rush around during the week to make it happen, get up early and clean up after. I'm just going to have to do it more often for conditioning.
  13. That's one ugly fish. What depth were you fishing? Was it near the bottom. It's a raider record under ugly.
  14. Welster

    Winch Issue

    I have the same problem with losing a winch handle, it's so easy to do after having a boat with a fixed handle. I've thought about pinning it on as well, but I really like being able to quickly change to the other ratios. I keep a spare in the boat with the spare bungs and a few other things.
  15. If other boats are around isn't activating the EPIRB just a waste of time they probably didn't have
  16. Wow, that's just plain scary. Sounds like you were very lucky to get out of that with minor injuries. I hope they find out who did it.
  17. Do you mean for the FG
  18. Great report. Years of toil rewarded all in one session
  19. Nice catch Luke. Youd have to be happy with that. I'm pretty sure I have never caught a flounder on live poddy.
  20. Your rig sounds pretty right to me. We're you hooking them through the nose. I'd probably up the leader to a bit longer and 12 pound.
  21. On my boat live bait tank, we put an elbow on the drain hole and use an additional piece horizontally with an end cap an multiple holes along its length to stop it getting clogged up. Works fine so far
  22. The water temp was down around 20.5 too. I know it's a different system but I expected better near Kurnell after the run in.
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