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Allow Me To Introduce Myself


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Thanks for the welcome Blood Knot.

There are some pretty "switched on" fishos on this forum and I think their knowledge & piscatorial expertise far surpasses anything that I have accumulated over the past 60 years. One of the negative aspects of becoming an old fart is the inability to keep up with all the young guns out there, not just in the physical side of fishing, but in keeping up with technology. When I look at some of the fishing gear of the modern era and compare it to the museum pieces from my younger days, I marvel at the ingenuity and skills of those who invent, design & produce the current crop of gear available.


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figured i better introduce myself.

Names Ian. (known as bloodycars as i do work in the motorsport industry when im not driving my truck and some likem and some hatem lol)

been fishing since i was about 5 or 6 (38 now) majority of my fishing has been fresh water in rivers and lakes in tassie where i grew up. Have delved into the salt water on charters and stuff and the odd fish off the wharves down there but beach fishing wasnt something i got into.

Since coming to sydney and getting another business up am running ive been slowly getting back into fishing, now just trying to find places that are easy for me to get to for the time being until a buy another boat. (last one i had was a 15 foot pride i setup for fresh water)

this time going bigger something over 5m that i can take anywhere. I enjoy the fresh water fishing but now i want bigger fish lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening all,

Great website - has been an excellent source of information!

Getting back into regular fishing now, used to fish heaps during high school and uni years.

So far mainly just beach fishing on the northern beaches however also saving up for a boat so I can start exploring good fishing spots throughout the hawkesbury river!



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Hey Raiders! My names Nick and i am 23 years old :) been wetting lines since i was a baby come from a family that love fishing and wasnt until 5 years ago that i got into it more seriously. Since that time been chasing the great mulloway and after years of endless cold nights caught 2 of these silver ghosts last year, finally! lol Now on the mission to get a kingfish and just recently started fishing around on boats hope to get into the game scene whenever given the opportunity, most of my fishing stories have been landbased, although we have had boats all my years growing up it was more just anchor anywhere and cast a rod out vs heading out just for fish lol. I am a plumber by trade i love the outdoors my other hobbies include hunting and 4wding/camping just love nature in general I'm a strong believer in the faith im greek orthodox, very thankful for everything i am blessed with and enjoy every bit of life :) Very easy going very friendly im engaged to a beautiful woman and hope to get hitched in the next year. Happy to come out for a fish anytime im located in Sydney and am always keen to learn new spots and to share places of my own that ive had good luck with!

Hope for nothing but the best to everyone on the forum God bless and hope to see you in the water! Cheers, Nick :biggrinthumb:

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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Raiders. My name is Rusdy and just joined this forum only less than a year.

I am new to fishing and has been started my fishing experience in the last 10 months. I am doing land based fishing only as I don't have a boat. I am also still learning fishing by reading articles in this forum, googling, and watching youtube. I can say, I am doing self learning most of my time. Since I started fishing 10 months ago, I can see improvement on my catching rate. It used to be zero and not a single bite for the first few months since I started, but I never gave up and kept on reading, learning, and practising what I read. Till now I have been getting fish but only undersize fish which I let go. This has been going for the last 4 months and I wonder what went wrong with me. I am now hooked up to fishing and will fish once a week on the weekend.

This forum has tons of information and advice from all the experts which is good as we are practicing good and legal fishing. Whenever I have time such as lunch time, time out from work, even in the toilet :), I read the forums. I also want to make new friends with the people here who love fishing. I know in this forum there are plenty of good and nice people who I can learn from. I do hope one day to go fishing with the members here. Still plenty of spots I haven't been to. I am now hooked up to fishing (fish hook me up, not I hook them ). I would very much appreciate if any of you who would like to teach and show me the correct fishing and help improving my skill in catching decent size fish. Please PM me.

As for my life, I am married with a lovely wife and we have 11 years old daughter who just started her Year 7. I am very blessed that they are understanding and allow me have sometime on the weekend to pursue my hobby. I work full time in IT industry and with such busy work and tight schedule, weekend would be my relax time and I feel completely relax when I see the water flows, feel the wind and sun either I catch or do not catch any fish. :)

Happy fishing!

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Hi everybody,

Jim's the name, I live in Sylvania and I'm mainly

interested in Blackfish (and Pigs, but not much

luck with them).

I'm land-based and usually fish out at Kurnell,

I stay away from the low ledges though.

Started fishing in England back in the 1960's - freshwater.

So I'm everso old, but still keen.

A very big thank you to the contributors who have

so freely shared their knowledge.

Off to North Durras for four days next week.

Fingers crossed that the fishing gods smile

on my efforts.

Tight lines all.


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Hi fisho's my name is Craig (buttsy) I have recently joined this great site!!!.

I love fishing really only done the land based fishing. I have just ordered my first boat can't wait for it to be ready so I can get out have some fun fishing. I have 3 young kids so I don't get to to go fishing all that much. Can't wait until my eldest boy is a year or two older and maybe we can become fishing buddies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Im Craig,

Im 30 and have lived in Terrigal my whole life. I have just joined after reading the forums from time to time I decided it was time to contribute.

I have been fishing the local waterways since I was 5, mostly land based estuary and headlands up until 2 years ago when I acquired a tinny (15ft 30hp). Since then I have heading out from Terrigal (weather permitting of course), bottom bashing the inshore reefs and trolling the headlands chasing pelagics (usually end up with a good feed). Im married with an 18 month old son so havent been getting out as I would like lately, cant wait til hes a few years older and he can join me! As im relatively new to open water fishing Im loving the forums, picking up loads of good tips and techniques. Hoping to upgrade to a bigger boat soon so I can get out wider...... still need to convince wifey :mattarello:

Anyway, heading out to Terrigal FAD for the first time tomorrow in a mates boat, conditions are looking perfect so hoping for a session worthy of a post!

Cheers Craig

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, another noobie here to soak in the invaluable information on this great community!

I'm from Terrigal on the Central Coast and I'm into land based spinning in Brisbane waters and tuggerah lakes.

Bought my first outfit in August, a sakana alien 7ft rod paired up with a shimano alivio 2500 reel with 5lb power pro braid.

Love chasing flathead, my best being 60cm from avoca, but love getting them a bit smaller for a nice feed! Hoping to get amongst them a bit more!

Tight lines,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy Raiders,

My name is Shane, I'm 26yo, from the Sydney region and a long time amateur fishermen. Picked up my first rod and reel when I was 6 (Thanks Santa). But have been out of the game for a little while.

For the longest time we have been the envious shore fishermen, eyeballing those lucky enough to float by. With dads recent purchase of a 530 escape half cabin, I am looking to gain some more knowledge and experience to help us with our upcoming adventures


Dad has also recently discovered ebay and is going absolutely HAM buying bits and pieces.. Rods, reels and the rest. So looking to get the low down on any gear we haven't used before also!

On a personal level I currently work in the Medical/Construction industry, specific to Radiation protection. I am an avid hobbiest and I love to DIY. I enjoy working on cars, riding my dirt bike (2012 WR250F) dabble in a bit of worldy travels and many other things.

Nice to meet you all!

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Heya all just joined not new to fishing but have recently bought 1st boat so novice to that (see Fishymaru) above. he's my eldest son that boat looks familiar :)....

Lovin' what we see on this site really like the boat ramps pic's .. they will really help us new boaters find the spots ..

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Just thought I should introduce myself, firstly thanks to the admin for having me onboard.

I look forward to contributing reports on my fish feeding expeditions as well as reading reports from you more sucessful fishos.

When not hunting Parra Barra I normally fish around middle head and Balmoral, the latter being my squiding spot (I actually manage to catch a fair few squid).

Apart from that Im always up for suggestions and meet ups, if any of you ever want to pull some huge carp out of the Upper Parra river let me know as I live 5 minutes away and am happy to give you a hand, my kids love it so bring yours down too if you want and we can make an arvo of it.

Ill update this post with some pics of the carp we pull out (and throw in the bin) so it will be a report of sorts.

Good luck to all of you, be safe out there.

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G'day ParraBarra Man,

On behalf of me, myself and I, I might take you up on that carp offer and fill up a bin. welcome to Fishraider, there are heaps of friendly members here that

have plenty of experience and are all social. speaking of socials, there is a Fishraider social weekend in May at The Entrance with a friendly comp, come on up and meet some fellow

raiders and throw a line in, It is a family event so kids are more than welcome. see the post under the Socials heading. take it easy mate, PM me if you like.

Cheers Dan

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