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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. As a suggestion use the search bar & through old threads. In fact this one was posted the same day as you. This site it like a library resource!!
  2. Im only 7 minutes into this review & I am already blow away by the features on the Sony. I have been looking for a new camera for ages & was thinking SLR but I did this years ago with film camera's & bought lenses & heaps of add ons like lenses & like you said the weight of all that gear it over the top & especially if your travelling, that's a put off for me really for the SLR. I also think for what you get its a pretty good price to. Im pretty keen on this bit of gear but will Thanks Jon ?
  3. Which compact are you referring to Jon?
  4. Im curious if the jackets are attracted to the line colour or scent as I have been told not to touch line with hands used in baiting?? Lost plenty of rigs of braid of one colour half way through the water column & not sure why at that point?? Nice pics by the way & agree Id be happy to come home fishless if I could witness that kind of spectacle! Lots of people pay big money to see the same thing!
  5. Id rather have those pannies to take home then those huge big bump models you have taken home over winter scratchie! The bigger fish might get the ? racing but those littlies are better eating imho. Anytime you can just get out & feel tug on the line is a good day
  6. And bring back the BIFF ?, love watching that old footage of guys just going to town on each other
  7. Again?? This reeked havoc on the local industry last time & tonnes of stock had to be destroyed! We had to stock selling functions with prawns on the menu.
  8. Sounds like the transducer might be picking up interference from your wash? You may need to adjust the angle slightly, that's if you can??
  9. Especially if he is licenced! Not very smart!!
  10. Yeh, with a hammer & chisel ? I never intended it to be 'undone' & if I fix this next guide & then another one goes im going to take to it with a chainsaw & throw it in the bin & buy a new rod!
  11. I used Devcon plastic steel for my repair. Wrong stuff I know but I think the rod will break around that repair ?? Now noticed another guide on the same rod had split the metal ring again & the plastic guide has fallen out. Its a couple of years old so I hope he guides they are using on the newer Catana's are better. Never had a Fuji fail though!!
  12. I was recently quoted $40 at my local to replace a small guide on a light 2-4kg Catana rod to which I replied...………..um the rod only cost me $50 it would be easier to buy a new rod ?. So anyway I bought a similar sized $6 Fuji guide & did it myself. Not much love for that shop!
  13. Hi Slurm, your on a winner there with Derek showing you the ropes On the lures/SP's, there a million out there & it will take some time to find what works in your waterway as I believe that each is different even if the species are the same. Berkley jerk shads work well on fish like flathead, snapper/squire & bream but for me colour make a difference on what each like. Flatties in my area love colours like nuclear chicken or similar, where the squire prefer pink. Get yourself a spread of styles like paddle tails & shad & some different weight jig heads & hook size to suit the size of the plastic. Having a spread metal spin lures are also a must for surface fish like tailor, mackerel, salmon etc. Again many brands but I look for special & buy a few sizes & colours & also usually swap out the trebles for a single hook to make life easier to get the fish of for both retuning to the water or putting in the esky. Good luck mate ?
  14. Nice repot yowie What was the snooty like to eat?
  15. Very cool prelude to a wedding, even better than a bucks night imo ?
  16. I just don't get it! They want you to buy a licence but then tell you where you can fish. I can see people just not bothering in the near future, selling their gear & boats & occasionally going to the seafood market instead, much much cheaper to do that! I mean I understand there needs to be some sort or conservation but not to the degree they are proposing. You have to defend these decisions to the hilt because once its gone you never get it back! Slightly off topic, I am also a recreational shooter & our rights to shoot are also always under threat by greeny tree huggers who sit in their city well furnished apartments & have no real idea what is happening out in the country except from what they read on some report or maybe TV. If the same sort of things start to creep into Rec shooting then I will & many others just give it away, but do people in general actually realise the impact that would have on the feral animal population in Australia, NOPE! Basically I just get sick of government bodies dictating how we can live our lives, we think we live in a democracy well that also is being eroded!!
  17. That's not the message your local fishing club president David Clarke is portraying! https://omny.fm/shows/the-ray-hadley-morning-show/marine-lockouts-will-force-fisherman-into-dangerou/embed?style=artwork
  18. Welcome to the forum Jacklo. Sorry I cant help you there except let google do some of the work for you, but I just wanted to say good luck on the project. Its great when new life is added to these old classics. Can you give a a run down on exactly what model it is & age etc.
  19. Nice Mulloway yowie, Id be over the moon to get a fish like that As much as its great to travel its also great to get back home, well for me anyway. Maybe see you on the Hacking one day over spring/summer & you can show me how you always seem to manage to come home with legal squire & whiting ?
  20. …………………………...global warming ?
  21. There's going to be a big story on this on Sundays nights 9 news. Which is good because other than being here & the SSAA association with SFFP you wouldn't even know its been happening. More exposure to the general public needed imo!
  22. So I expect you then had to go out that afternoon & buy the same outfit to take home like nothing had happened ? Not the same but reminds me of a time when I was about 6 or 7 years old & watching my father beach fishing, saw him cast his rod & put it in the holder & walk down the beach to attend his other rod. So I wanted to be like dad & cast into the ocean & proceeded to pick up the 1st rod & throw the whole rig into the surf. I recall him running down the beach screaming & diving into the breaking waves trying to retrieve the new Alvey reel & hand made rod...……………………………………..gone ? I was reminded of that story by him many times as I grew up as it was a bit of a sore point for some years but now even thought he has dementia(short term memory loss) he still remembers that day but he can at least have a laugh with me remembering it ? Not a good thing to happen but shit happens & you learn from your mistakes...………………..usually. Using the drag as intended usually helps ?
  23. I use a similar size battery in my potable Humminbird but its only a small gray screen type. I think the only think is how long it will last with whatever the draw is of that sounder?? The battery should run any 12v device but as mentioned if the device has a lot of draw it may only go for a short period.
  24. I feel for you as its happened to me on more than a few occasions. The pictures must be on the way to the ramp otherwise you must be very fussy ?
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