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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Only been to Tassie once to visit some relo's & never got to fish either salt or fresh. Will have to change that net time. Nice video, love the scenery ?
  2. Nice fish, whats the approx. location, looks like the georges?? What size did it go? Looks about 90cm??
  3. What about Montegue isle? I recon that would be a cracker of a place to fish? To far for you?
  4. Yes I'm a chef by trade. Sometimes we.tend to over do seafood in the industry with to much fancy stuff but at home simple is on the menu ?
  5. Any of you blokes need a decky? I'll be up in the port for a couple of weeks in February & would love to go for a trip outside with you guys, or even meet up at some point.. Kingfish is a very versatile fish & apart from the ways Baz is suggesting which are all great ways to eat it one of my favourite ways to eat it is cured(usually sugar cured), very similarly to salmon & the way you do a gravlax. You can use many different flavourings like lemon & orange zest(peeled with a peeler so not to colour the fish) & with say Vodka or I also do another one that after its cure I dust it with pastrami spices. Here's a version I did for an event a while a go.
  6. I know the Georges is way worse than the bay & understand that we have to share the water ways but there are some absolute out there trying to be hero's right next to where your trying to have a nice quiet fish. I also now wont go on the Hacking during school holidays because of the jet & water skiers not obeying the rules. Unfortunately life is full of people who think that the rules don't apply to them & they are 'special' & can do as they please. A bit like people who drive expensive cars in Sydney ?
  7. A tough run of bad luck mate, hope #3 is it for you. Best time of the year coming up so I hope it gets sorted for you & chin up
  8. Entrée & main in one fish, nice work ?
  9. Im actually really appreciative that I learnt how a camera actually works & the principles behind how to actually achieve things like proper depth of field & work out what shutter speed I should choose on an old manual 35mm film camera like my old Pentax Spotmatic which most of the fore mentioned is now just press a button or choose a setting & it all happens for you. And that's before you even get into composition, subject matter & etc w Then of course you have to take it to get developed unless you had a dark room & actually see if what you were trying to do even worked & sure you could do a few things if you were skilled in the dark room but there was now 'photoshop! Things are pretty easy these days really & not a lot of skill involved imo, just choose a setting & snap off 40 images & see which is the best then crop & chop & make a few colour changes then hey presto a half decent image appears.
  10. Looks good BTSWRKN Worth a go but I would likin what you say as a cure to be more like a brine of sorts as the fish is cooked like, something like you do before hot smoking & this would also be great hot smoked as well imo. I know it sometimes has a few variations but normally something cured is eaten in its cured raw state & actually after this marinating process Id be keen to try the fish totally raw as in sashimi style.
  11. Plenty of previous threads asking the same & GPS marks on here if you do a search in the TAB above.
  12. Nice work Joe I going to try & target jews more over this summer & with some luck will get a keeper.
  13. The thing is its a good base to add your own improvements to, a partial project boat! I did some mods when I inherited my fathers/family 1969 Quintrex sportsman, had to get a new motor but then set out making it more user friendly for me so floating deck in between both seats to make it easier to get around & for casting(but have to be careful now as its less stable underfoot!), marine carpet, seat cushions & rails for rod holders. Not overly pretty but it does the job
  14. If you dare ? https://www.lifestyle.com.au/videos/fish/carp-taco-recipe-4862701880001.aspx
  15. Well done on the first trials MJ, small steps initially is a good idea. On the tiller extension, just be careful there, they do increase the danger of ending up in the drink & if the motor had a lanyard cut off switch then I would be wearing it while using the extension. I can also see some cushioning on the seats being needed at some point soon, once you get into a but of chop it can get a bit punishing on the buttocks ? I went with this in mu tinny & used Velcro so I could take them off for cleaning but there is a multitude of choices out there. https://www.whitworths.com.au/cush-grey-thick-med Enjoy & stay safe.
  16. I was on their website yesterday & couldn't see anything related to a free course, will have another look. A link to the area could help us who are interested in it if you can?
  17. Where is the free course available??
  18. Miss read the whole thread then, my bad ? I have caught a few crabs & occy by hook but just lucky really. I would be interested to know his secret as he is doing well on line!
  19. Wow, I wasn't even aware of that but just for my own knowledge I found this on the DPI website https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/831406/port-hacking-nets-and-traps-closed-waters.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/closures/location-closures/port-hacking Cant see it on the RMS map though?? Stalwart, you are a very lucky man there were no fisheries officers around that day, it could be a $500 fine for each of those crabs!!!! Seriously! A word of advice, do thorough research of the area you intend to fish & know the rules & sanctuary zones etc. The dpi doesn't give warnings! I know as I have been fined $500 for fishing 20mtrs inside a sanctuary zone before where there were no visible markers but it was on the map, no excuse is good enough really!
  20. Nice afternoon fishing with the grand kids, great memories. I bet the young bloke will never forget the way that Trev pulled, they take off like a shot & at 53cm is a great catch! Great work Stalwart
  21. Yes that's the one, I remember it well because I was there in my tinny only the day before & there were massive schools of slimmies & the resident dolphins feeding on that side & another massive school of garfish on the southern shoal bay side, the water was like glass with not even a ripple on top. I know what scratchie ie saying, the chances of being attacked are slim but the area has been well documented with whites in the area, one picture in the Sunday telegraph still comes to mind with a great white swimming only 20/30 mtrs off Hawke's nest beach, on boxing day I think it was some years ago. Besides that pretty much any waterway would have Bull's as well which are even more a worry. Call me paranoid but ever since I was 7 years old(43 years ago) & I had to leave the old soldiers point community hall theatre to be sick on the front steps because my father thought it was a good idea to take me to see Jaws I haven't spent to many occasions swimming in the salt ? Then he expected me to go fishing in the bay with him the next day in our 13ft tinny...…………………………….which didn't happen ? True story though!
  22. Well there was a great white attack inside the north head off Jimmy's beach about 5 years ago & theirs plenty of then hanging around outside. Wouldn't catch me there!
  23. Gymea baths CAN produce a wide variety of fish but as usual with fishing you have to be there at the right time & be lucky. A mate went there & caught a nice salmon once & have read people have caught kings there. Usually you will just catch a heap of undersized squire & bream! Still, beats watching TV ?
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