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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. If the wind direction is favourable then I would try ballooning a live bait from a land based position! Mind you, life's like a box of chocolates, you could get more that what you bargained for 🤪
  2. Been trying to say this for a while. Good one Scratchie!
  3. Keep at it mate, persistence pays off in the end but research on things like location, tides & techniques will help. Google can help in some of this- https://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/5026732/lake-producing-nice-flathead-and-bream/ http://www.catchmore.fish/Articles/Display/17920-Windang-to-Stanwell-Park Anyway as you say, just getting out & enjoying the great aussies outdoors is what its all about
  4. Well at least if you don't catch any fish you can still get a feed 👍
  5. A long way from home but I see your ready to take on any species. That's what being a fishing prepper is all about 🤣. Thanks for sharing
  6. As Pauline Hanson would say.....................….Please explain! What states are you referring to??
  7. Think I might do a bit of research & look at doing a DIY downrigger for a bit of a project. I need some sort of challenge atm
  8. As mentioned, inshore, Botany bay & port hacking!
  9. Good thread GF & some good info in here for me to. I really want a legal king this year inshore out of Botany bay or Port hacking & I have previously been reading up of what to use for trolling. Some guys say you can use large knife jigs with a combination of weights, worth a try I guess?? BUT a lot of what I read is inline with what Paddy mentioned, buy a downrigger & my first choice would be live yakka's & squid but recon depending on their mood a lure with the downrigger would work. I have often thought about a downrigger but always thought they were to expensive to even contemplate until now. So for my Tinny I am looking at a Cannon manual mini which is reasonably priced & have actually found one cheaper than the RRP. https://cannondownriggers.com.au/products/manual-downrigger/mini-troll/ What do you raiders think of this model for inshore & off a 13ft tinny?? Looks like a good pairing to me??
  10. Its important to check RMS waterway maps & the NSW DPI website regularly at lots of access & conditions change. I recently found out about some changes to my local fishery by change but or some reason the onus is on you to know all the rules & regulations even when they change, probably like road rules I guess!!
  11. Great initiative! Now they might be able to catch some of those irresponsible hoons that waterski to close to anchored vessels & PWC riders that do the same & actually be able to catch them!
  12. Same but I don't use bags rather Plano boxes. One for bay/estuary, one for beach/rock, one for open water/deepsea, one that's just a soft plastic box, one smaller box for freshwater fly. My main box is this Plano but there is one to suit everyone own needs, I use the sides for spools of leader & there is a good open tray on top as well for things like braid scissors or whatever. The good thing about the 3 tray compartment in this model is that its compatible with most plano plastic boxes so I have a couple of spares that if I need to I can just swap out a whole container with other gear for a particular day. http://www.planomolding.com/fishing/tackle-systems/guide-series-angled-tackle-system-3600 I just looked for sales when buying mine, especially the xmas sales 👍 Edit: I also forgot about my sinker box that I store all my bulk sinkers in & draw on as I need them.
  13. Any security cameras at GP?? Ive only been there once & cant recall. By chance do you know what the water temp is?? Might still be a bit cool for the fish to be bitting although I cant say I have ever had much luck catch anything legal in PH
  14. Not sure if I would or you can even use SP's of a surf beach? Also forget braid of the beach, it just tangles in the wind
  15. Nice suggestions SS, if I can add a bit of input? Buy the best quality store bought mayonnaise possible, I can suggest Birch & Waite as I have been using it for years in catering situations & it is now available in supermarkets but its not cheap but it is quality. Secondly fresh lemon juice & zest will bring a better 'acid' to the sauce that white vinegar imo. If you do have to use vinegar then a quality white wine vinegar would be a better option. Some fresh parsley or would also be a good addition ? Just my 2 cents as a professional chef! Still if those are whats available in the pantry at the time then that's all that counts
  16. Kings inshore are not easy, mostly because they are nomadic & they are very unpredictable on where they will be & what they will take. Its about right place right time, right time right bait. No easy answer there unfortunately.
  17. I think what you are referring to you is really have to be selective no matter what you are shopping for! Personally as a chef I think its a bit like searching for a quality providore , building a relationship with them to ensure you are getting what is fresh on the market. for your restaurant so the same goes for what I want to eat at home. There is no way in hell I would ever buy any seafood from a store like coles or woolies but from a dedicated seafood supplier well that's different BUT you have to know all the signs of freshness & again personally I will only buy whole fish so I can see the eyes & inspect the fish! If I want something specific that I know I cant catch or from another state then I go to the Sydney fish market but we don't all have the luxury of doing that, still your local guy with notice should get you into something decent
  18. I'll 2nd travacalm, I don't normally use anything unless I am going a long way out just for a bit of the security factor. I know it goes against the logic but for me I just keep eating from the moment I get on the boat, not sure if its the salt air but I just have to eat every 30 minute or so when on the water??
  19. Whats the advantage they give if any??
  20. Sounds like about 15 movies Ive seen ? Population controls probably need to be enforced at this time before more damage is done And establishing a colony on Mars is a step we will have to make in the very near future ?
  21. I haven't seen it quite that big...……...but close.
  22. There are plenty of places you would catch fish but I would probably fish closer to where SPC meets the Georges, if you use the search bar there should be some other threads on here on locations. However I wouldn't be eating anything caught from that far back in the river! https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/closures/location-closures/botany-bay-and-georges-river
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