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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. The chinese whispers have started already already Still like I mentioned in the other thread, why nornmally aspirated? Probably would take up the rest of the boat with FI or other means.
  2. Nice looking cow & the colour is amazing, well done
  3. The way I see it I think in general there is a misconception where the naming of squid vs calamari goes, the two are both squid & part of the Cephalopods family to be specific just different sub species as are cuttlefish & octopus. There are approx 300 different squid species around the world. The word calamari is just Italian for squid. I think in general the southern calamari has a reputation as being a better eating squid, more tender but to be physically able to put a distinction on flavour, not sure about that. To be honest I have never done a side by side flavour comparison between different species, never felt the need really & I think the only real way is to do a controlled experiment, cook them the same way, breifly in simmering salted water(seperate pots, same amount of water & salt), no other flavourings at all & just natural. I think its the only real way to tell. At the end of the day they are all good, maybe the only factor I would take into account is the tenderness, if its tough I marinate it in kiwi fruit then wash it off OR cook it for a lot longer to tenderise it like you do with meat when making a stew.
  4. Its only being made for people who have a Bugatti Chiron sitting in the driveway of their Point Piper home not people who park their Hyundai Getz in front of their Mt. Druitt house 😄 2 speed transmition sounds interesting, not sure why you would only naturally aspirate it though??
  5. What do they say, the apples dont fall far from the tree. Well done fella's, some cracking Snaps there
  6. Click on the link for the morwong version & the recipe is in there, its a bit more complex than the below picture & if you look at my picture its probably also a bit darker than it should be. I actually used the same mix again the other day for some S&P flathead & I ended up adding more tapioca & cornflour to it to lighten the colour & added a bit more salt. On the below picture its a very basic version, sea salt, black pepper(from a pepper mill) & 50% tapioca & cornflour. I base all my S&P recipes on a 50/50 mix of tapioca & cornflour, its just my preference. With me being a chef I sort of think there are next to no limits flavourings with dry spices or even pre marinating the squid before coating, as long as they compliment each other & dont over power the fish.
  7. Check out some of the threads in the kitchen section for tips- Here's one I did a little while back And I didnt post this in the kitchen but this is from a nice sized squid I got while down the south coast a few years ago.. Cooking is all about having a go & trial & error. Let me know if you want some tips, happy to assist
  8. Nice work Dave. Great scenery & fish to be caught. Cant ask for much more imo
  9. Nice report A PB 132cm bull mahi as a consolation prize, I'd take that any day of the week 😁
  10. Says it all here doesn't it? https://www.yamaha-motor.com.au/products/marine/outboard/high-horsepower-four-stroke-115---425hp/high-performance-vmax-sho/vf90 Same HP, lighter weight, 1.8ltr displacement & reconfigured gears. If you pull up the specs for each motor & compare side by side you could come up with some data to prove or disprove the claims either way.
  11. Hi M_F, Im not that up on fishing in the harbour but the same subject has come up before. Its always a good idea to use the forums large info resources by using the search tab as well as using other google based searches. Essentially when trying to research new areas I do as wider search base as possible, youtubes, articles, whatever you can find. Some threads fom FR- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1238759/go-fishing-sydney-harbour-wharves-piers-parks.pdf https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1249124/16518-GoFishingGuide_MiddleHarbour.pdf https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?msa=0&mid=1Xbjzo7Q-Q0RmI8DAi4nPlzXHARQ&ll=-33.86779072412743%2C151.19308029160896&z=13 I also study youtubes & look for landmarks- This vid below is from FR @James Clain who does a fair bit of landbased Kings cruise around looking for prey & also follow bait so there is one area thats better than another really, its about getting some info on a group of locations, preferably using life baits like squid, yakka's & slimies where possible & just trying your luck imo. Good luck.
  12. Agree with Zoran, yes I think it comes down to the complexity of your system, what you are running & what you want/need it to do. For a boat, could be a bit over kill depending on the size but then the thing I like about the victron products is you can look at the data in real time & record, download & email the data to be able to looked at later. There is also the Victron BMV‑712 Smart Battery Monitor which uses the same shunt as I mentioned above but also gives you a physical gauge as well which really again depends on what the application is whether that is any better. On monitoring the 2 batteries, inside the app I think it has the ability to monitor both batteries together but by inputting the total overall Ah available, but pretty sure thats for when you have a set up that runs in parallel which I would would be hesitant to set up that way in a boat as you always want to protect your starter imo. So not sure on the 2 battery set up would be good for a boat but this is how one user set up the BMV-712 for his motor home set up.
  13. Why do people but that garbage music with these vids, Id rather here the fisho's excitement & comments myself! That's pretty much a once in a life time catch, the odd of which would be greater than getting a winning lotto ticket I'd say 😉
  14. What ones have you looked at & do you have a budget in mind?? I have a Victron MPPT solar controller in my 4x4 dual battery system lets me know what is happening with the state of charge incoming & outgoing charge etc. They also do a stand alone monitor called a smartshunt that could interest you. https://www.victronenergy.com/battery-monitors/smart-battery-shunt#pd-nav-video
  15. I just call them Tapa's, rolled in seasoned flour & fried.....................beautiful Dont know, maybe a sprat?
  16. I only do ebay reviews, as I am a buyer & a seller I expect people to give me a review that shows my positive feedback % to other buyers. Occassionaly I will send a review when requested if a company has gone out of there way to provide good service, other than that they get unsubscribed or blocked.
  17. I only started fishing for squid last year & bought a cheap Rovex egi rod from Dinga for like $50 delivered & paired it with a 2500 Senna reel I had in the cupboard, all up $80 outfit, does the job. You can certainly spend a lot of money on dedicated gear, but you dont have to. If your looking for cheap jigs a shop usually has a big bargain bin which usually has a heap of cheap gillies jigs it them, I think they are ok for $5. I have just 12 jigs in 3 different weights, brands & colours. 2.5's, 3's & 3.5's, I'dget more if I though it owuld help but think the selection I've made will catch them, just have to find them. Im a bit like you, watched a heap of youtubes, fishing shows & read lot of articles. On locations, you can pick them up by just watching where people are fishing. I think you have to be persistant & be prepared to move around if they are not there but then when your land based it makes it more dificult for sure. Good luck
  18. Great buy at that price, certainly punching well above the price tag! Its good to know that combo can pull in an animal of that size. I liked your trolling rods, maybe thats because they are very close to my own(& only) trolling set up. Mine is a Penn Steel tip 10-15kg OH, will have to check the model, also paired with a Penn 330GTi, both are from when they were made in the USA which I like, I also like the fact that the reel has the worm drive, I think all those reels should have the same thing, the only down side imo is its not a bit reel so doesnt hold a lot of line. I think I paid about $400 for the outfit all those years ago 🤔 I also have dads old trolling reel which is in prestine condition, its a Daiwa Sea line 400, bigger reel, bigger line capacity, dont think I will ever use it though, its a bit of a collectors piece for me. Its just like this one I found on the net, just in better condition. On braids or lines in general I think just buy the best quality you can afford, I have bought braid from Aldi before & cant complain about it, is saying that I guess you get what you pay for in the long run.
  19. Well if you want to get picky about thread content being off topic when the subject was referring to Indian curry, how did it then turn into a discussion about curries of different countries of origin because massaman is from Thailand 😳😜........😅
  20. Nice report Derek, good to see BN got you onto a few fish. Always great to explore new locations in our great land.
  21. Personally Im not keen on batteries you need to top up & prefer the maintanance free models. Also its a good idea if a battery hasnt had good charge & discarge cycles to put it on a charger that has a desulfation cycle on it every now & then, it can prolong the batteries life. But then again if your constantly over discharging then your also reducing the number of possible cycles as well.
  22. If I could just catch one of those a year I'd be over the moon. Well done as usual scratchie
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