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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. I just think its a tougher time of the year to fish inclosed waters/estuary Water temp is probably 3 to 5 degrees colder than optimum temp for prime activity. They would be there just way harder to catch right now imo.
  2. Jeez @JonD with all these great fish pics I see you post I'd love to see something in the 'kitchen' as Im sure all you guys dont release all your captures?
  3. @mowie1 Police discretion will always be play a part in any decision on anything like this. If your going to be travelling at 110kph on the freeway & they can see gear not being stowed correctly then they will have a problem with it. Travel 5 minutes to the ramp from home in a 60kph zone & they could be more lenient & turn the other cheek. There are also many boats that there is no way they are even going to be able to see what's in it so unless they are pulling you up for something unrelated & checking then they wouldn't have a clue. At the end of the day its up to you to think about what could happen in a circumstance. We do a hazard analysis when you walk across the street so we don't get run over so I would expect someone with brains to think about what could happen if flying along a motorway with lose gear behind you. YET IT STILL HAPPENS But rules are rules, getting pulled up & fined for not doing the right thing is better than killing someone, not even realizing it & getting a knock on the door from police saying that dash cam footage saw the item come out of your trailer/boat & cause the incident.
  4. Looking good. Quintrex hulls stand the test of time & will pretty much outlast us on this earth. Im still fishing out of my fathers 1969 Sportsman, just needs a repaint but other than that is still going strong!
  5. Doesn't sound wankerish to me at all. The colour shows what your doing is working 👌 I cringe seeing people's catches just getting thrown into an esky with a few beers in it Or similar. Even on some fishing shows you see hosts not looking after the catch there taking home well
  6. That Bonito looks a nice colour! Looks like you kill & bleed straight away & put on ice??
  7. Have you ever used one & been successful in its application? I know they are cheap & been around for years but do they actually work?? Some interesting reading @antman http://www.fishingmonthly.com.au/Articles/Display/20585-Rigging-paravanes-and-trolling-boards
  8. kingie chaser


    Yeh, the captain made a very expensive mistake Could have broken from a mooring or from anchor, whatever the story it hurts just looking at it!
  9. The way is using these clips or even just a 3 way swivel with the sinker attached to the centre swivel eye with a short bit of mono to make a cheap mans downrigger. Its the same as if your using it as a live bait set up. Its a matter of working out the weight t speed ratio.
  10. It is spawning time so maybe they have their minds on things other than food
  11. Nice effort there FHL, will make a tasty feast
  12. Yes apparently, haven't tried it myself but plenty of people chase them.
  13. All good, hopefully the right Muzza will be looking
  14. Hi Neil, this is scratchies own article which should give you a good idea what's needed Hope that helps
  15. There Is 10 muzza's registered on here so which one are you referring to? When you find them click on their name & you can send them a message. Also if you want to tag a member so they will get a notification just a use the @ symbol & the members name & select the member & it will notify them @1530dean While I think it's great to recognize a member for doing something great for you it's not like your talking to us here collectively, just to one person which is the reason for my response.
  16. Maybe you should just send 'Muzza' a PM !
  17. Good luck & hope it works out. From what I have read all NSW & Vic snow fields will run at 50% capacity, accommodation & on hill so if your their at the right time you will have all the pow to yourself
  18. True to, if thats the bottom I think I'd looking at a different rig myself, something with a float maybe if you fishing from the shore/land, if by boat then a paternoster just lifted a metre off the bottom?
  19. Good on you Derek, your a gentleman & a scholar 😉
  20. Fishing by boat or land based? Sometimes if Im fishing a couple of rods at once from my boat & I have the SP rod in the holder I have caught Occy & didnt even know really know until I have taken the rod out of the holder. Squid will also take SP's as well. I am not discounting crabs but it would have to be sitting in the same spot for a while for a crab to grab it
  21. The rivers would be closed by then, they close on the June long weekend. But good point, you know the lake well
  22. Fingers crossed it will be our turn for a chance at whiskers 😜 Ok, I will put the order in with the Roman gods as well as the Greek ones then & throw in Jupiter to Mate I will even throw in Odin if it will help the cause I watched the movie Troy the other day, I think it was still on my mind 🤨 🤣
  23. I hear you about getting out of a warm swag but my mate showed me how to avoid freezing my butt of & that is to have your next days cloth in the swag with you so you only have to put your boots on outside the swag, with the dome swags its easy enough to do. The only problem with the awning is it collects water/snow, even if you drop one corner. The storm in the above pic was pretty full on, blizzard really & I have been in plenty of blizzards before but not in a tent, there were tree's falling down all over the place & at one stage a massive explosion happened close to the tent & it was a huge gum that snapped near the base, when we walked out in the morning the tree was only about 40 metres away from the tent & it was about 30 metres high! There was a fair bit of weight on the roof with 3+inches of snow on it! Was one of the scariest nights I've ever had, just glad it was attached to the car as the tent lifted off the ground several times! I've actually made this awning & tent detachable so I can still drive around, there are brackets you can buy now but at the time there wasn't anything so I made up my own brackets, it works but its a bit of a pain to work it off & on the car, also have a couple more panels I put on the front & side as well. Enjoy the weekend, hope you catch a few, the weather is supposed to be pretty average on Sunday & Monday so be ready for it. It does the job, Im looking at selling it & getting an oztrail RV5, much easier to put up & down. The Hotel I used to work at down near Perisher is not opening this season because of the social distancing thing, its not viable for them to open if they can only hold 1/4 of their usual numbers, wouldn't be surprised if there is more like that. I do hear that people get some decent kings down Jervis way, I have a friend who lives at Vincentia & get down there occasionally, only I dont have a boat that I can get outside. Hope you enjoy the trip
  24. Nice session & Jack dave, did you keep it for a fed, Ive heard they are one of the best eating fish around?? I was listening to the fishing show on the radio early this morning & they were saying the fishing is going off at the moment all over NSW.
  25. Thanks for organizing the get together again Jeff. Im not a religious person but have put an order in with both Zeus & Poseidon for a crack at a decent weekend
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