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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. Great to take the kids out for a fish, cracker of a day for it and it seems they enjoyed themselves which is what its all about. Im sure they will talk about the adventure for a while. As for your fish, the first is a Gunther's Wrasse and the second is a Striped Barracuda .... goes by a lot of common names also. I've always called them a Sea Pike.
  2. Thanks mate. Have a great one today.
  3. Hi @Fab1 I've got the same beast.We had to cancel Crissy at our place this year, so it will be just 3 of us and the dog. I've passed the throat with the razor blades stage, then it went to the cough that tore what was left of your throat out and now I only feel like crap. Such a improvement. My thoughts go out to you Fab. Those who haven't had a bad dose I truly hope you never get it. And those who don't have it have a GREAT and a Happy one with friends and family. @noelm I pretty sure I caught this off my daughter, she had a mild case and recovered pretty quickly where I got smashed. So people should take responsibility for infecting others. Yes common sense should tell you to act responsible.
  4. That would be a record for a mix of fish, certainly unusual.
  5. Looks a good size one and a good effort on a Jet Ski.
  6. That’s a great Gummy and it sounded like a bit of hard work on the Flatty front.
  7. Great work Bob and I hope that wind doesn't pick up to much for you gents.
  8. Good luck there Neil and have a safe trip mate.
  9. A couple have come up here on FR over the years. Paddle Crabs have a slightly different pattern on their shell as well as a slightly different shell shape. "Paddle Crab" (Photo from DPI.)
  10. Wooooooh Thats one excellent Cod. Congratulations.
  11. Yep, you think your going to have a great day ....... and ☹️
  12. You gave the fish out of the goodness of your heart and in return you received a Ham out of the goodness of her Heart. Good people are good people.
  13. Thats fantastic work Neil.
  14. And a fat "YES" to that statement.
  15. My only thoughts @Little_Flatty of using the Wonder Wobbler in the Parra would be it getting snagged up on Rocks/Debris/Mangrove Roots etc. I used mine for Flathead on a sandy beach.
  16. My first lure caught Flathead was on a Wonder Wobbler when I was quite young and that was just a Hop Hop Hop type retrieve, as for a Tassie Devil I've never used one.
  17. Great post @noelm And you don't realise how short life is to you get older.
  18. Thats one hell of a Estuary Jack there Dave. Congratulations.
  19. Great report here GR, thanks for taking the time to post.👍
  20. They cant take yesterday away from you or the memories.
  21. Great read LF. I fish when I can and sometimes have a ride with the Lads on Tuesday night at SOP. Youth was a while ago for me and some memories fade ......
  22. Black Spot on the Tail base confirms it. Thanks @Mike Sydney
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