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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Nice work Dave! Good eating platter there🙏🏻
  2. You continue to break new and amazing ground with some very sought after species Chris! Congrats on doing your homework and I bet the fillets of bull will be memorable 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  3. Great post Bob, I like the rig you use… must try it soon!
  4. You’re warming up Yowie! You got your fillets and the fishing gods will pay you back soon for releasing a king🙏🏻
  5. Nice work Whiskey! Congrats on the king and the tagging as well as the jew:)
  6. Well done Dave, back to the standard Yowie platter😀
  7. Great bag of flatties Zoran, good to see you both out there and getting a good feed and a bonus show!
  8. You always get your minimum fillet quota Dave! It will warm up:)
  9. All over it Basil, you must have snapper breakfast lunch and dinner!
  10. Nice work on the flat chaps! The size in the photos produce the best sized fillets in my opinion:)
  11. Great catch! I was up there in July and it was blowing a gale for 3 days...water was very murky and only small sharks were being taken on bait!
  12. Very nice fish Ragnar and I bet you'll be back out there gliding soon!
  13. Unlucky about the fishing Gordo but lucky those whales didn't get too close!
  14. Nice mixed bag Isaac and plenty of action on your outing...wishing you some PBs before the end of the year:)
  15. Those flies look amazing and the small flatties certainly approve....what happens if you make one 5 times that size? ....a metre croc perhaps!
  16. Sounds like that beast will live on to terrorise more bit and fishos!
  17. Nice work Dave, flatties saved the day! At least you saw the whales breach at distance, not so lucky for the Boston’s off Cape Banks today🙏🏻
  18. Cracking day out Chris! Bring on the warmer weather!
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