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Everything posted by Welster

  1. What an awesome session big flatties, kings and Jews. It doesn't get much better.
  2. Scratchie you are so consistent on the reds well done once again.
  3. Great bag of fish there. Its nice to see you post your adventures.
  4. Two flatties 70 s and up that's a good day on the bay! Great report
  5. We have searched Stayz and the like and I was hoping somebody might have a suitable house or know somebody that does. I just thought I'd ask away and see if anything comes of it.
  6. Nice flattie there Yowie. Well done on the release. It's very unusual for you to come home without dinner.
  7. Hi guys, I know we have left this late but I could really use some suggestions if any members are able to assist. We are looking to rent a large house to sleep 12 people (13 years old and up) with a minimum 4 bedrooms (preferably 5-6 bedrooms) with at least 3 bathrooms that is available from around 28th December - 4th January. We would like to be near the coast for the usual summer fun things. We are all sensible and never cause any dramas or damage. Jason
  8. Search for the member Arpie she no longer posts but has many great Forster reports mostly from her kayak.
  9. Catching (and eating) a gummy is on my list.
  10. I have thought about using an iPad so I don't have to use my sounder as a combo and I can take the marks elsewhere. I believe you can get something to plug into the wifi iPad to add gps.
  11. Nice work, I have never caught a mullet other than a poddy in a trap. So it is great to read you rig and method. Talking about your float and the way the fluffy bread attracted them reminded me of Roberta's float as shown here. It might be of interest to you.
  12. Nice feed there it's great to hear you are back in the water.
  13. Another top feed of fish. So often you catch another one when cleaning the fish at your mums.
  14. At one stage we noticed 4 or 5 of these ( mini water spouts?) moving across the bay together. I thought it was very odd on such a calm day. F2DD8764-FE1D-410D-B02D-CB8BBC9DFC19.mov
  15. I just upgraded from a small swinging door freezer to a larger chest freezer. Not huge but much better. I'm divorced and terms ( fishing gear and garage space) would be part of the terms to a change in that situation😂.
  16. It was a top day to be on the water. It was glassed out like that in front of Brighton today.
  17. Thanks Kingie chaser I didn't realise the artificial was called JD reef. I was out on the bay today. Was a great morning to be in the water. We cruised around more than fished but my girlfriend that's a complete novice did manage a couple of lollipop size squid outfishing my donut. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Thinking about it. What is JD reef?
  19. What a week getting out twice and pushing wider each time. It's always handy when the finance department approves the next purchase. There is plenty of freeboard in your boat what type of boat is it?
  20. Nice feed and report. You'd have to be happy with that.
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