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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Hi Ponchy, There are definitely squid in those areas so I think maybe you need to change your approach. Tell us a little about the amount of time you are putting in and your technique. How many are fishing with you? The Kurnell side is probably my preferred spot in the bay. Around Bare Island ( be aware of the bommie) also produces for me. I'd recommend drifting over anchoring. You should be getting weed on your jigs and snagged a bit otherwise you are not in the zone. I tend to squid with at least 12lb line and leader to minimise losses as the squid don't seem to care. Any area with a mixture of kelp/weed sand and rock is good. One method to try is to move into an area close in and fan a series of casts towards the shoreline and all around the boat. Change jig try again and if it's not working move. It doesn't have to be a big move just to a new spot. If you start getting them stay there and watch for followers it's always worthwhile having another rod ready or your mate cast at it as you will often get two. If you think you have one don't strike at such but do lift the rod with the aim of the barbs penetrating as often the squid just hold on and let go when they choose. Keep a steady tension on them so they can't easily release themselves so don't pump and wind. There is no need to have some massive ripping action or going to fast, it's more likely you are going to fast then to slow. Think of how far the rod tip moves and how far the jig moves in the water. A lift and drop often works. Mix it up and see what happens, Make sure you allow enough time for the jig to drop staying in the zone. If you aren't getting snagged occasionally your jig isn't in the zone. Another method is to go a little wider and drift. You should be able to manage two or three rods doing this. Have an idea what depth you are in and think about where the jig might be in the water column. When doing this I'd usually pick up a rod give it a few twitches drop it back in the holder and do the same with another. You'd be surprised how often it's the unattended rod that picks them up. Over time you will have a pretty good idea if it's weed or squid. Again you should be getting weed on the jigs or snagged occasionally. Put the cheap jig on the unattended rod so it doesn't hurt as much if you lose it. Change drifts and jigs if it's not working repeat the drift when it does. It's worthwhile to dedicate a whole day to squidding rather than giving up and moving on to fishing. Don't be scared to squid in deeper water if you are not getting into the zone you can use a sea anchor to slow the drift or a small sinker above the jig works well. I have never squidded off Towra but I don't doubt it would produce. Welcome to the forum.
  2. Yeah I have booked. For the last trip Dad was coming up with me before I cancelled so I told him about this one. Mum and dad decided to take their van up for two weeks. I'm booked for a week of the time with the Girlfriend which includes that weekend. I could most likely move it back to the following weekend but no later and moving it forward might be ok too. Fingers crossed it works out. I get it can't suit everyone in the end. If it doesn't there will be spot available on the boat sometime that week for a local expert!
  3. Nice one. I was only thinking the other day I hadn't seen a Dory report this winter.
  4. I am booked for the week. Hopefully the weather plays ball.
  5. Hi Jeff what do you mean by exhaust valve functioning?
  6. Great post Keith. The back up plan came up trumps. Very sharp pics too, well done.
  7. That's pretty cool I'm sure we all wonder what's going on below. If your down towards the south side if Sydney and want to see what's under my boat let me know.
  8. Does it get any better than that land based on winter? Well done.
  9. It sounds like you got the good result you deserved for the effort and thought you put in. Well done Zoran
  10. Great work Sam in pretty challenging conditions.
  11. I haven't seen many reports
  12. Great report Keith. I'm glad you got a few fish and the 36 pack of TP.
  13. It would be great if she decided to post on here again.
  14. Since I joined in 2008 the stats on how many times I've opened up fishraider would be scary, I often haven't had much to post and in the early days I was probably a little hesitant but I have gained so much from being a member here far more than I have contributed for sure. I am a bit surprised that the desktop is still the most common log in. For me if anything I have dropped of a little lately due to so much going on and I have also struggled to get out on the water for a lot of reasons. I do think fishraider as a forum And member quality is far superior to anything Facebook can dish up. I agree with @Scratchie about the tagging and @frankS about the added connection for members we have met.
  15. That is good news. Sounds like it will be administered like the m5 rebate. I'm guessing the toll operator will be getting paid by the NSW gov. @mrsswordfisherman I just posted about this before I found yours, I should have known you'd be onto it. I think I deleted my post but please do if I haven't.
  16. They accept radio calls regardless if you have a licence. Be aware if you call on the radio for the first time they will most likely ask you boat details. So it pays to have your rego number written down so you don't have to hang over the side trying to read it upside down. I'd say for starters it's easier to phone them and have a quick chat or log in using the marine rescue app. That way most of the questions will be covered. It's easiest to have a boat name too. Find out your local marine rescue. When on the water get onto channel 16. Listen to other calls. When you want to call, check it's clear and push the button saying marine rescue XYZ ( Solander Sydney or whatever) , marine rescue XYZ , marine Rescue XYZ followed by this is "boat name" requesting a radio check over. They will reply and probably move you up to a working channel.
  17. @zmk1962 Hey Zoran your link doesn't seem to open.
  18. Well done pickles. Did you pick them up down rigging? 94cm on 20lb would be fun.
  19. Mate you still have to go and do the test. I think doing the course with Marine Rescue is the best way, I think you get more out of doing it that way than the just content of the course.
  20. Depending on where in the boat but they are countersunk head screws, cup washers, washers under and nuts. We ordered them mostly from an industrial fastener supplier, and some off eBay I think. They aren't as strong but no issues in the 4 years they have been in. There isn't much room to get the ones in the front bowrider section on the Stacer but we managed. I think it has two of the original screws in an area with no access under it but we used Tefgel. If I wasn't going to use my long I would use stainless nut and screw instead with an oversized primed hole. And use a nylon washer and sleeve or shrink wrap and Tefgel.
  21. Hi Geoff, I have a 5.7 Stacer bow rider. Within a few months of leaving the factory we had bubbling in similar areas to you. The dealer inspected it and reported to Stacer who finally agreed to take the boat back to QLD for repair. They wouldn't accept the local quotes got repair which we believe would of been a far superior job and we were willing to be responsible for future issues. They rear seat cushion was also split in the corner and replaced under warranty. It split again but we didn't pursue it because it's obviously poorly thought out and figure a local trimmer will do a proper job. The reasoning they gave for the corrosion was during assembly they forgot to apply "grease" before fixing the self drilling screws. I did ask why they don't use Tefgel or similar and was told it is to messy. I believe as as soon as they screw through the hull the paint is broken and salt and moisture can get under the paint and it just keeps spreading and bubbling. The cushion slows down drying keeping the moisture there longer to do its thing. Not long after the boat returned we had some reoccurrence in areas which the dealer arranged a local fix. In the end we asked the dealer to leave off all fittings and drilled out all the fixing holes to a larger size, primed and painted them. We purchased nylon fixings and took our time reinstalling the fittings. Around each fitting we used either sikka flex or Tefgel depending on the situation. The problem has been virtually eliminated around those fittings.
  22. Great report Zoran getting a feed was a pretty good result by the sounds of it. The ride home would of been a bit of a punish. Is the Bertram a 25? What length sinker trace do you use?
  23. Wow that's awesome. I'm still working on the Port Stephens weekend but thinking more likely a full week.
  24. You are so consistent producing results well done. I'd be stoked with that reddie in the river and the flattie as well. Well done again.
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