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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Yep I have had a smile ever since
  2. Agree it’s the one common theme you hear in boat accidents how quick it all went wrong and how little time people had.
  3. My Boat is a 5.7m bowrider and I would only take it in good conditions a smaller boat would 5m or less would of been fine too. I have seen a JetSki out there as well.
  4. I’m surprised yowie even knows the fish prices with the amount he catches.
  5. It’s nice to hear you got on the water Fabian and a few fish in average conditions.
  6. Headlights on at the ramp is the worst. At times I wouldn’t mind a better reversing light on the car.
  7. Yeah in such good conditions too. Always happy to share it with a raider and was so nice of Bruce to come over for a chat once he was done. There was another family for a little while and when I left it was empty but the weather change wasn’t far away.
  8. Yeah Scratchiest happy with that. Only two trips this year so far but both produced the goods.
  9. I agree it would be a lot better use of resources.
  10. I have never felt like I had need for the cut out lanyard. But for those that do I am pretty sure there is a wireless version available that might be an option.
  11. Snapper on plastics sounds like so much fun, well done guys.
  12. They are super expensive here too. Everyone seems to like flattie fillets. It all went perfect Doesn’t get much better. Thanks Thank you. It helps having a choice of a few days that’s for sure. Chewsday like it. The fillets are disappearing quick. I’m not sure maybe a bird. They were a pest. I finished up around 1 as well I think. I few times I got a few spots of rain and didn’t want to get caught out without even the Bimini on.
  13. Ha ha. It sure was a good day on the water. Nice to meet you. It’s so good out of the rat race getting to chat with people with that casual feel about it.
  14. That’s so frustrating I did almost the exact same Tuesday and it worked out well go figure.
  15. What an awesome first for the guys you took. Sounds like you all had a top day. Hopefully Saad got a new lease off life once the action started. Well done.
  16. I only wear mine when I’m legally required to or when I think the situation requires more caution. Obviously it is better to have one on and preferably with a PLB attached.
  17. Yep I chose Tuesday as my day. You all know the story that life and commitments and the weather get in the way of pursuing our pastimes. So after only one trip so far this year I just had to get out on the water. Tuesday was the day for me, my leave pass approved and was off to the hacking fishing solo. First stop collecting yakkas and they were big ones so after three I moved on only to find the worlds smallest yakkas shortly followed by the leather jackets. A few more moves and the same result, so frustrating for an early start. So off I went with only 5 in the tank. Straight to FAD 22 in great conditions with only one of boat there on arrival. Winning! The place was loaded with dollies and they were feeding well. Amongst the many I kept three and threw a couple of other just legal snack. Live bait was the go but I also got them in slimey strips and on the troll. Time to head back in closer so I headed off to the flattery grounds and picked up a feed without much fuss and surprisingly not many throw backs amongst them. This working weekday’s is so over rated.
  18. That’s great fishing. Gotta love weekdays. Doing very well getting those reddies.
  19. Great job on the video.
  20. Nice to see a report from the basin, sounds like a fun morning.
  21. Great fishing Yowie. Well done on the PB
  22. I didn’t know that either.
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