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Everything posted by Welster

  1. What a cracking session you sure find some good size hoods and get some good pics to boot.
  2. Well done Pickles you seem to have the harbour figured out and put plenty of Raiders onto fish.
  3. He handled it very well. People with no idea should keep their mouth shut. Hopefully his youtube gets heaps of new likes and subscribers. She might make him some $ for fishing gear.
  4. Welster


    Look after yourself Frank.
  5. Congrats on the Pb thats a solid Sydney green eye and a good bag overall.
  6. Awesome work for a quick session. Its great to see they gave turned up.
  7. Some tasty fillets there Bruce. Im hoping to get out on Wednesday too.
  8. Maybe the search function will help you out.
  9. Very yummy catch indeed. Nice to hear fisheries are out checking.
  10. A tough day fishing can turn around very quick. Congrats on the pb.
  11. Well done Sam did you motor down or launch at Belambi?
  12. For sure that tail grab would of been a big relief. Top job Sam
  13. That change of tactics paid off big time! Whiskers will be there for another round in the future, having YFT come through and managing to land would be such a rush. Good thing it hit the heavier rod too.
  14. We caught a monster cuttle fish on one.
  15. Give me that by catch any day. Beach Jewies look awesome.
  16. It’s great to see the snapper are finally playing ball. Well done and a cracking photo.
  17. I love ready these reports of people making progress in their fishing journey. Good on you @DerekD for helping out.
  18. Very nice Yowie, worth getting wet for that’s for sure.
  19. I mostly use 2.5 to 3.5 jig size but occasionally go smaller. Jibbon is as good a starting point as any. One method would be to work around the fringes casting mostly towards the headlands and maybe leave another rod drifting a jig in the rod holder. Make sure you are getting down near the weed and kelp if you aren’t getting snagged occasionally your jig isn’t in the zone. For this reason I tend to up the leader size to at least 12lb sometimes 20. It doesn’t seem to phase them at all. I have caught squid using 50lb brightly coloured braid straight to the jig. The other method I use is drifting using two or three rods and just alternating each one giving a lift. You need to keep an idea of depth and sink rates or you will get more snags. Using this method I’d work my favourite jig more often so that it is less likely to get snagged and maybe a cheap one on the other ( they work too). You can also drift with one rod and use the other to cast ahead of the drift. As I said earlier it’s important to get into the zone. If the boat is drifting to fast I use a sea anchor ( I haven’t got an electric), in deeper water I use a small running sinker running down to the jig. Or sometimes a combination of the two. I don’t target them much further inside the Hacking very often but you do see the arrows swimming around on the surface at night. I have netted them sometimes. I often squid outside as well. If you are over patchy ground or get snagged on kelp it’s as good as spot as any other. My favourite jigs are Harimitsu brand but I have plenty of the others and cheapies too. I don’t worry about the colour choice to much I just get a few out there and if something works for a few I might switch some others to something similar. I just keep changing things until I find them then target that spot. It pays to have a rod or a mate if your not solo with a jig ready in case there are followers. Keep your eyes open with good sunnies and if you see one following you can hold the other there for a bit and cast to his mate. When one takes the jig don’t strike hard but do lift the rod in a short firm fashion. I am usually thinking the squid has hold of my jig but I need to get the barbs into its tentacles so it doesn’t just let go. If the squid has any size to it you will feel the pulsing motion. Don’t pump and wind but just wind in steady. The idea is to not give it any slack line so that it can release itself, the flex in the rod tip helps here as well. It pays to dedicate a day to squid fishing when learning so that you have to persist. I hope that helps shoot me a pm if I can help any more. A couple of more things don’t worry about time of day, or tides. A very slow retrieve with a few small rod lifts is more likely to keep the jig in the zone. If I have the heavier set up for deep water ( I have squid fished to about 30 many deeper I’d probably use a paternoster) and move back into the shallower water I am more active on the jig so it doesn’t get snagged and as I drift deeper I slow down to make sure it’s getting down. I’m trying to imagine where my jig is in the water column to get in the zone. Squid mostly seem to take it in the drop so pauses are important. They are there...
  20. What an awesome fish whiting are in the shallows, well done.
  21. What would you do if it had the 1 million tag in it?
  22. Great write up and an awesome prize for your efforts. Congrats.
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