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Well it has been a very rough year for every single one of us in some way or another.

On behalf of the whole team at fishraider we sincerely thank you for supporting our community during the year with your fishing reports and fishing information. Without you there is no forum. 

To all our many, many guests please join the forum and join in the conversations you are always welcome.

Moderators are what holds this forum together. A massive thanks to @Scratchie @dirvin21 @Rah @Blood Knot for helping me here. Thanks to @Blackfish for identifying fish in The Aquarium and of course all our Mentors and Gold Members who give so much time to help others.

RAIDERS RULE and lets keep that raider spirit alive. 

Hope Santa brings you all a nice present :) and hoping you can enjoy your family gatherings physically or at least virtually


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Merry Christmas to you, too, Donna and to Stewie. And to all Fishraiders! May you all have the best possible Christmas you can have under the circumstances and trust 2021 is a good year for all!

Edited by Berleyguts
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Merry Christmas all ! 
 I only joined  a few months back but have had a great time here and learned a thing or two ! Many thanks to all those involved in keeping the boat  afloat :1boat: I have also been having a ball playing the mrsswordfisherman trivia although some days are a hair pulling ritual 🤣


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Merry Christmas all special thanks to Donna for all your efforts and to the mentors as well. As Im in the northern beaches and not likely to catch up with Scratchy any time soon hope santa brings me snapper fishing skills as soon as im able.  


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Thanks to the entire team who work so hard to provide this fantastic forum, and , of course to all the members who provide such an amazing amount of information on all manner of subjects. 2020 was a horror of a year in many ways but it also provided me the opportunity to catch up with some Raiders to share their fishing experiences, first hand. If next year presents the opportunity I would like to catch up with some more Raiders and possibly tick some more species off the bucket list.

I would like to extend my best wishes to you all and hope that we can see the back of this pandemic, maybe get back to some normality. Take care everybody, bn

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All the best to all raiders.

Stay safe, drive carefully & think about family & your fellow Australians.


Thanks to Donna & all the mods for what they do to bring a great forum together & keep it going.


Like in any community it's a mixing pot of ideas & ideals, some we agree with & some we don't.

At the end of the day we just want to enjoy our fishing, meet new friends & enjoy life.


Tight lines........👍

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3 hours ago, XD351 said:

Merry Christmas all ! 
 I only joined  a few months back but have had a great time here and learned a thing or two ! Many thanks to all those involved in keeping the boat  afloat :1boat: I have also been having a ball playing the mrsswordfisherman trivia although some days are a hair pulling ritual 🤣



I haven’t played the last week or so but I will be back :) 

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Cheers Donna, (and other moderators).

Thanks to all who contributed - we have great community, closely monitored & safe for junior members too.


hope you all have a Godly, family Christmas and get out on the water to play

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On 12/22/2020 at 1:58 PM, wazatherfisherman said:

Merry Christmas everyone, thanks to all the Fishraider team for keeping things afloat through difficult times.

Hope everyone catches plenty of fish and manages a PB or two throughout the summer and new year

Thank YOU!!! Waza. When times were tough for so many, the stories stories of your adventures at The Mattens were priceless. have a great Christmas mate.

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Many years ago, Donna and Stu had an idea to create a fishing website and forum. Over the years, it grew and transformed. It is no longer a website, but rather a medium through which a sprawling community of (generally) like minded people can meet, digitally or arrange for it to be in person. We love to be on the water to enjoy the environment, to catch a fish or two, then give others the benefit of our experience.

Also, the moderators and other people who give their precious personal time to keep things going on a daily basis, deserve special mention as well. And of course, those people who take the time to contribute reports, photos and feedback based on a lifetime of experience, without which there would be no community.

We are truly unique in many respects and I wanted to take the opportunity this Christmas, to recognize us all, every last individual who forms our community. To you all, I wish a Merry Christmas and a bright and fish-filled new year. May we learn new things, tick items off our bucket lists, enjoy every trip by seeing the positives and above all, stay safe.

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