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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Looks like you have nailed it BN, great work
  2. So essentially what your saying is being a charter operator gives you right of way on the waterways does it? ld like to see where is says that In the charter operators manual
  3. Have you checked the fuses? Either in a fuse box or an inline fuse?
  4. Well you will get better casting, line drop though the water & feel from braid regardless of the rod type. If you want to fish Sp's this mono then why not, it will be nowhere near the same but hey anything is worth a go I guess butimo using mono for sinking artificals isnt something I would be doing.
  5. Hi Neil, I have mainly been a windows user & using windows 10 for quit a while now. I do not use any cloud storage, never have & never will. Main reason I dont trust my stuff being kept on there both for privacy issues & also the fact its not in my control. I always have my images either in my PC hard drive or backed up in an external hard drive of mine. I dont really get why clouds exist really as external storage is so cheap & more secure imo. If you insert your SD car into your PC you should be able to choose what action you want to take, maybe some how you have inadvertidly told the setting to always send the pictures to cloud?? If thats the case I would stop it. If you insert any flash drive into your PC's USB(or even if its in your disc drive) you should see the device in your "file explorer" which in the old days used to be called "my computer" from there are several ways to transfer those images from the flash drive(SD card) I just either drag the main file from the flash drive into the picture folder & then rename it or if you open the SD card image file you can hold the control button & right click on each image you want to move which will highlight them then right click & either copy & paste into any folder or create a new folder The only reason I ever use paint is if I want to put text, draw lines or put a caption on an image, everything else can be done by using the standard windows picture software including resizing. If you double click on an image in your picture files it will open the image in the standard W10 picture suite, you will see edits & create, share , the print symbol & there are 3 dots on the top right of the page, click on the 3 dots & you will see resize as an option. I am more than happy to PM you my phone number & work out a convienient time that suits us both that we can both be sitting in fron of our PC's so I can run through any of this with you to make it easier.
  6. None of any of that matters if you dont have the most important things.................................................... Common sense! Something a lot of people seem to lack.
  7. Nice work Z, why spend $350-$400 on a piece of floating plastic if you dont have to
  8. To me it's about the water depth as to type of rig. If it's 10-20 metres the you could use a 3 way swivel rig like this but instead of the lure just run a hook & pin the yak in the beach behind the head.
  9. Not sure what you mean by that?? The venues already have covid safe plans in place & already run capacities as per state regulations. Still doenst mean it will go ahead if there are new outbreaks, state border closures etc. Its the politians that are holding back this country with their decisions which affects business confidence!! Yep wait & see & hope things improve.
  10. FYI all, you dont need to buy new jackets as long as they comply with AS 4758 & if they are self or Auto inflating then they are serviced correctly as per manifacturers service instructions. The AS 4758 standard is not new, just the compliance date & most jackets sold after 2010 probably comply but yeh you need to check your jackets to make sure they comply. The message is be prepared to be checked which no one should have an issue with. Just pointing that out. Nice work Zoran, extra boat bouyancy wont hurt if something goes wrong when your a long way from home. Even in my 1969 Quintrex tinny all 3 seats are foam filled from the factory so they were thinking ahead there even back then 😉
  11. Lets hope these 2021 events go ahead as scheduled as there are 1000's of people like me as a hospitality worker out there that rely on these events happening & the knock on effect is even bigger. Things were looking rosie again for the hospitality & related sectors before the northern beaches outbreak hit & that meant again many of the same sectors that were held back with restrictions like those from the original outbreak. Sorry Donna, didnt want to take away from your post but the announcements dont fill me with confidence as with any kind of planning both personally & for business. Like I said I hope this gives work to people, we need it!!
  12. Always good to try the search tab https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=sussex&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  13. Looks good Frank. Just curious what model sounder & electric motor is it?? Good luck with it
  14. Good luck skipper, its a great looking boat so I dont think you will have much trouble selling it. I love those cats! If I win powerball on Thursday I'll take it
  15. Well only for the suits I guess 😅
  16. You must be one of those 9-5 workers then Fab?? I work all sorts of shifts sometimes having to start as early as 4.30am & sometimes having to start as late at 3pm. So my way of thinking is if I have to get up at 3.30am for work then it's even easier to get up at a similar hour to do something I actually enjoy 😁
  17. The neck/collar also doesnt look as good imo for keeping you face up & you mouth out of the water at the right angle? Next time I need to buy a jacket I think I am going the waist version as I always like to have one on & these are even less cumbersome & out of the way even though your still wearing one.
  18. Repurposing, love it. Those guys in PS could have used some extra bouyancy I was just trying to point it out as I see so much bad stuff around my place going into general waste bins & out on the street that just shouldnt be there. Some people just dont give a rats!
  19. I dont have an issue with this but it would be nice if they(transport or waterways NSW) did this in conjunction with re implimenting the old4new program As far as I am aware in NSW the old4new doesnt exist anymore from what I can see? Even promote the proper disposal of the old jackets, Im guessing here but they may be able to be taken to your local council recycling centre?? Just saying 😉
  20. Great report Neil especially after the hassle of driving there & back again. On the pictures, why dont you just plug the phone into your PC via USB & drag the pictures into my pictures? OR just email the pictures to yourself.
  21. Good on you Jeff, I bet you were a sight for sure eyes 👍 Glad the story ended well but still my curious nature gets the better of me. How is it they didn't set if an Epirb, no mayday call & how does a vessel go down in 30 seconds? In sure more details will come out but think it's important for people to know how things like this can happen & so quickly. Very lucky blokes, especially knowing the frequency of white points in that area!
  22. Nice work, great size to Supposed to be pretty good eating but never tried it myself. I have only really read stuff on here about them & yeah they seem to catch them mainly up in the Hawkesbury during the cooler months on dusk. There is some info below for your interest.
  23. Thanks Donna, so essentially what this is saying from what I read is that if you have a jacket that only states "Type 1, 2, or 3 then it no longer meets the new Australian safety standard. I presume this refers to all types of jackets whether inflatable or foam cell? I just checked my 2 self inflatable jackets with a manifacture date of 11/2015 & 06/2016 & they both are level 150/150N with AS 4758.1 so they are ok. I will have to check my other 2 older foam cell's I have but have a feeling when I got those they were bought as type 1 & type 2. Cheers
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