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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Great ingenuity, love your work Zoran 👍 Did you learn all that on Pakula 🤣 Sorry couldn't help it 😜 I know we spoke about line tension on the spool under weight for the 1st use so what amount of tension do you & can you use with the rod in the makeshift rod holder?? Similar to your rig drop weight or more??
  2. You could say the same about any fishing subject couldn't you! But then where is the talk or conversation of testing someone else's theory or experimenting with or adapting something to suit your budget or lack there of? I also find it pretty hard to makes friends with a webpage 😉
  3. Great, as long as the rest of the trailer is ok when what you have done makes total sense. With mine it had just gone way to far needing to many bits replace. Good luck with the change over
  4. I'm wondering why if it was still attached you couldn't have just reeled it in??. I know the mavic has a line release but it's about $130. Still cheaper than a lost drone though.
  5. What sort of drone was it? Simple hook sounds like it was your undoing, personally if & was putting my expensive drone out over water the release mechanism would want to have been tested thoroughly. Having looked at different methods myself there are commercial releases available but I have also seen where people use simpler dowrigger clips. Still its all a risk!
  6. Imo like any fishing you should be prepared to mix up your methods & lures, which ones you use would also depend on the time of day. I would use surface lures for dawn & sunset, sinking/suspended lures for day time if your shore fishing for trout you need to also be prepared to cover a bit of territory as well trying to sight fish but also blind casting as well. Did you go to Gaden? There are some monsters in those ponds!
  7. 😄😄 The same thing crossed my mind Zoran, in sync with the jaws sound effects
  8. kingie chaser

    new toy

    I recall De Havilland building aircraft in Bankstown. Not associated at all?
  9. kingie chaser

    new toy

    Looks pretty tidy. Should bring some fun for you Frank 😀
  10. Yes I think so but hey its not my life. Heading out a few Km with a 5hp inflatable boat 🙄 This topic has sort of been discussed before- In saying that from what I undersand as long as you have all the safety equipment required for being in open water then there is nothing stopping you. I'd be sticking to inclosed waters myself 🤐
  11. My apologies Baz. Here I was presuming you were pruning the roses & cleaning out the gutters. Hopefully we will all be able to get together soon for a group gathering & a fish.
  12. DPI should have updates/warning on this is even the EPA.. Have you checked with either recently? There is quite a few species the the razor clam family, if they were those big long triangular pointy spiked versions from everything I watched on YouTube is an example more pain than gain imo. However of they were this version then I could understand the effort.
  13. Personally I find these thing easier to deal with & work out when they are in my hands as even manuals can be confusing. If you need a hand I would be happy to try & help out in person. Northern beaches isn't to far from me & it might also give me a reason to drop in & see my nephew.
  14. Gutters are what beach fishing is all about not structure! If you want to fish structure then by definition that's means there is an object or body to attract fish which is a rare thing on a beach. Smaller fish move into beach areas because they are chasing small prey like shrimp, molluscs or worms etc, when the smaller fish move in the larger ones follow. Beach fishing & structure fishing is 2 different things. What you can find off the beach can be as small at bream, whiting, dart, taylor, salmon right up the large taylor, Jewish, sharks etc. It's best to think & research about your preferred target as that will determine how & where you fish.
  15. They have no-eye-dear those fish 🙄 🤣 Just an FYI @RU4REEL FFR this is the usual area for this sort of question- https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/40-the-aquarium/
  16. Fantastic report Brendon 🤘 I so look forward to eventually getting a boat I can spend a night on while exploring the great fishing areas we have. Your living the dream mate at such a young age, Im envious Then again at your age I was to busy spending my money trying to ski as many resorts around the world as I could. All good memories but think that would equate to a house not a boat. Thanks for sharing your adventures 👍
  17. Why stop there, join the club & start a collection from the 20's up 😄 Good luck with it, hope it gets you some. The good thing to know is it will last forever.
  18. Congrats, you now own a bit of Australian history Both @Green Hornet & @wazatherfisherman are the main Alvey historians here but I have used this site to do some of my research previously but its more about the older models. Still worth looking at though- https://australianfishingmuseum.com/alvey-2-2/ To add further, they started making reels from resigns & fibreglass from the early1970's & as the 650 A5 is fibreglass I would guess & say its a 70's/80's reel? In the early 90's they started moving to Graphite. Some info in available on their website. https://alvey.com.au/about/
  19. They may be a few cents more but Fuji is what you want. Especially if you dont want to keep repacing them! Just go to Ana-conda at west gosford or a local tackle store& have a look for a pricing guide on the Ana-conda website, they are only about $2.50-7.99 depending on the size you need.
  20. Looks like a great trip & catch up Great whiting to Baz, you gotta stop living under that thumb mate 🤣
  21. Nice upgrade You dont think 7cm would be much but on a mulloway that 7cm is an increase from a 3.5kg@70cm fish to a 4.5kg@77cm fish(approx)!
  22. Nice work lads, sounds like you all had a geat day out. Nice work on the PB jew as well, what did it go?? You didnt mention your past PB or what this one was??
  23. That is a great spot I didnt even know existed & I am born & breed in Sydney, have to visit it one day & do the walk. We have a lot of amazing walks now along the Sydney coast. Great job on the Luderick to
  24. Plenty of Australian manifacturers of boat trailers about, to numerous to name them all but take a look at Dunbier or Boeing. I got a new Dunbier for my 3.9mtr quintrex a few years ago, the only thing I didnt like was the LED lights were rubbish but they would all tend to mostly use generic stuff I'd say. The suspension in these newer trailers is so much better. But to answer your question it should be pretty easy to replace the axle/ hubs/springs etc if you want to go down that path. I thought of doing it but my trailer was way to old(late 60's/early 70's model) so just replacing it made more sense. Good luck.
  25. Yep, the internet isnt going to be able to answer all your questions, I'd go & have a look at some 2nd hand dealers 1st hand. Also on boat weight imo lite=rocky in swell, thats why boats have ballist systems where they increase & decrease the weight according to the conditions. In the persuit of making it easier to manouvre the boat on dry land it might make it an uncomfotable ride on the waves!
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