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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. We pretty much have it all dont we Jon Unless your on this path to catch some obscure or specific species. However it is all about locations & what they have to offer. Still if you want to get your arms stretched on say the elusive 1m barra or walk prestine streams for a trophy trout there is something for everyone on our doorstep.
  2. Marine heat shrink is good stuff 👍
  3. Bream & whiting are in close so you don't have to cast far. The main area of beach fishing with these species are in the gutters, again that isn't far from the shore usually. Have a search around the site via the search tab. Plenty of the same discussions have been had so worth looking at. As Noel said, work out what it is you want to target & that will determine your outfit. If you want to catch 4kg+ salmon out the back then up your line & sinker. Want to catch bream & whiting then lighter & closer is better. Want to target 20kg Jew then..............????
  4. I question where your getting this response from myself seeing as I supposedly said it said on 4/4/2020 & your thread started today 18/9/2020?? Umm I think I would know the difference between a bream & a trevally Nice squid thought 😜
  5. Some detailed info in there along with your other thread which is appreciated by all raiders. Thanks for the effort Sam
  6. Its a very open question, if you could define it a bit more then it would be easier to make suggestions. Land based or boat or both? Own boat or charters? Any particular target species?? Me, I would love to do a week trip out to Swains reef for all those amaizing reef species, then I would head to Weipa for some GT & Barra action, then over to Merville island & then Dampier/Pilbara. Then down to West of Rotnest fishing for 40kg Sambo's. So many options, its only a matter on money And if you didnnt specify Australia then I would say head to north island NZ & smash the 20/30kg Kings.
  7. Was the definition of a hot spot ever defined by federal or nsw state gov??
  8. 10-12lb main line & matching leader is what I would be using for what your targets are. You could go lighter to say 8lb but if you get ont some decent salmon you could struggle. I use 12lb main line for my light beach rod & then use lighter or heavier leader dependin gon the situation/target. Im also lucky that my light beach reel came with a spare spool so it gives you more options on line class & if you want to run braid as well. They should all come with a spare spool imo.
  9. Sure, its an issue everywhere. I just dont get why councils dont install CCTV cameras at all ramps, should be in their duty of care really!!!! Most of the timethe funding comes from the state gov so you would thiink local council could at least put in some security measures! It doesnt instil you with confidence when this is in the car park in the google maps images! All I would say is maybe take a wheel clamp or chain for the trailer wheel over the usual hitch locks etc.
  10. Have a look at this Brendon. @zmk1962 aka Zoran is the man to talk to is your serious about it. Im not one to look in detail into the technicals of the subject but if he tells me he has almost halved his fuel bill from repowering all while dropping 50hp then I believe the man! He knows his stuff 😉
  11. Excellent report Brendon, you have a great set up One is better than none right & there's a lot of meals in there. Thanks for sharing.
  12. You can do some research using the search tab. Other past threads can give you some information. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=macquarie&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  13. I think they have just spread the word to the others that they should aviod the island & this guy called scratchie who pulled whiskers from the drink 😂 In all seriousness if you look at Pickles last post from up there it sounds like they are out wide & yet to move back it?? Also could be attributed to overfishing, sounds like it gets hit on a daily basis??
  14. Given the ramp is only 2 years old & by the look of the images has everything you need in a pontoon, ample parking I can't see how there would be any issues with it. Maybe you just need to go & inspect it!
  15. Hopefully in the future I can contibute more than what you could just get out of carrying a couple of yellow pages or a milk create.......😟.....................🤣. While I dont have to much experience on the spreads it was certainly doing the job in the change of direction department. The way it triggers could possibly be simulated in some way?? To pre test the theory maybe & check what weight the triiger will release & how it would react??
  16. Yes this id the big point in seeing your fees at work & its great to see. I think while most of these wont stay or reside in the bay at least it is a bit more of a protected area than Sydney harbour to try & limit the losses but of course there are no guarantees.
  17. Mate it might be just me but if your giving a report the title itself sort of implies that you would give a bit more deatiled account of the trip as per this guide.
  18. Nice work, something in the esky & a fun session. Q1. totally depends on the day & what they are, depending on the depth sometimes there could be other fish in or under a salmon school so ut pays to mix it up. Q2. I change all my trebbles out to single hooks, just easier to get the fish of whether releasing or not, no point spending 2 or 3 minutes trying to get 3 barbs out while the school moveson or disapears.
  19. Never fished there so all I can offer is to say check out older threads through the search tab- https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=stockton&quick=1 https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?q=newcastle&quick=1 Good luck.
  20. Almost my exact words as the day was coming to a close 👍
  21. I must have misread your post, thought you got the squid in the hacking which is why I asked. Cheers.
  22. Trout are there all the time all year round, you just have to adjust your methods to the time of year whether its stream or lake. You can even catch fish in the middle of summer but more likely by trolling with a downrigger but even in the cooler times of the day closer to shore. Its all trial & error, you just have to get out there, there are no garantees any time of the year!!
  23. I was lucky enough to be asked to join in on a trip along with @61 crusher out to the deep with @zmk1962 on his mighty Barrycudda. The trip out to the marks was comfortable & also entertaining coming into multiple pods of large dolphins & also sighting whales blowing & breaching across the horizon. Again another new experience with using electric reels which was a learning curve, it took a little to get used to but managed with a bit of time. We spot locked on different marks & while we didnt have any luck on the intended targets the experience was still one to remember. We set up a trolling spread coming back into 12 mile but no joy there either. Still even while an unfruitful trip it was full of great conversation & talk about of great trips & experiences of the past. For me looking at the way different people set up rigs & how they approach their fishing is always something to learn for so the experience is invaluable. Water temp out wide was about 16.5*c & in closer more around 19*c I am very appreciative of the opportunity to join in on the trip & hopefully will be asked again sometime in the future, hopefully with better luck but as they say thats fishing.
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