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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Good luck on the move TK, hope you get the boat close to finished before then as it will obviously be easier to move & not lose bits. The fishing up there sounds pretty good. I know its a bit further up but still remember @Scratchie's report about Wooli from last year. I could easily drive the boat a few hours each way if I knew I had a good chance of getting into some great action like that.
  2. Well as you can see from this RMS map the whole area is under Maratime/port authority control. Even the bridge where this guy was fishing. Again it more pertains to recreational boating but I guess something like fishing is also under their control. Maybe you should sent the guy who was fishing a message via Youtube & ask him! https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/maritime/usingwaterways/maps/boating-maps/9f-botany-bay-lower-georges-cooks.pdf
  3. The fact that the 3 cylinders are all identical pressure would indicate to me that they are all wearing evenly & not one is failing over the other. Still does not nessacarily mean that everthing thing 100% but shows even wear on the rings etc. If your manual is correct & states 120psi is ideal & +-15% then 102psi then your under the factory specs, rings do wear & can cause engine failure.....fact! Why would a manual not show the recommended PSI, stange comment imo?? Will it do it tomorrow, no, next week, maybe? In the end you trust the mech's opinion or not! If buying a second hand boat/motor I would think it normal & sensible if the owner cant produce servicing doc's to do these basic's minimum, water pump, fuel filter, gear oil, spark plugs, grease all moving parts & any other items that can visibly be noticed which could include carb service, thermostat. My mate just had his similar era 60Hp Merc serviced & just doing the basics was $800. Wasnt cheap but & dont think its unreasoanble either & at least gives you the confidence when you head out.
  4. Daiwa BG or shimano Nasci is in your price range. Have a good trip.
  5. Depends on what angle your looking from & not if your on the bad end of it! My brother & I had to clear my fathers 520sqm 2 story property to get him into a nursing home 3 years ago. Took 12 months to clear the property for sale with 47 cubic metres of skip bins & that doesnt include 6 tonnes of metal removed, 2 council collections, 6 vehicles, 60 tyres & also doesnt include furniture & appliances & "collectables" I now have a well earned opinion on what a collector is opposed to what a hoarder is! As much as I love the show 'American Pickers' I couldnt watch the show for 12 months after as it just cut to the bone to much πŸ˜’
  6. Thanks but Im ok, Im not a collector.
  7. Was just jokes, I know how much it's worth. There's one for sale on eBay now
  8. From memory the no fishing sign refers to the pontoons where the ramps are located. As for the break well if you look at the RMS map of BB anywhere east, west, north & south of the boat ramps & not within the channel markers is classified as a Maritime restricted zone 1 area. That would include the breakwall. I see people fishing off the breakwall all the time but not sure how fishing could be against the restriction but thought it's more to do with boats not allowed in that zone. My mate actually got pulled up by Police for collecting bait near the tugs on the West side of molly point where everyone goes to get yakkas, it is technically in that restricted zone but everyone goes there for bait. They were going to fine him $1500 but let him off after checking all safety gear which was all ok.
  9. Ryder, if you find the 1st edition of playboy 1953 with Marylin Monroe on the cover in there I'll give you $5 for it πŸ€€πŸ˜†
  10. I like 8 strand braid personally for heavyier outfits but I make sure I find somewhere that has it on special when buying as it more exy.
  11. I like it, looks cool & can see it being a great boat to fish out of Be nice if you could add another 4 cylinders though 😬 Only thing is the steering wheel is on the wrong side, I think that would make me think Im driving in the wrong lane πŸ˜…
  12. I'd be asking Mercury! That way your getting the correct information.
  13. Nice effort there. Yes I also use suicides for bait rigs/inshore mostly, deepsea I more go for circles but depends what I am fishing for. Circles work great even if your just leaving the rod in the holder, they tend to just hook themselves up on a firm drag.
  14. Could have been 2 trevalla maybe? Do you fish a 2 or 3 hook rig on that or single?
  15. Must have been friustrating not being able to land whats on the end of the line. @61 crusher At least you got to have a new experience(apart from seeing budgie smuggler man😜), as they say a bad days fishing is better than a good day at work Could be an electric reel under the tree for xmas?? Maybe the target should have changed to the Mako's, many people traget them as a sports fish & from what I have read they are one of the best sharks to eat?? Better luck next time fella's.
  16. Imo just buy another outfit for the Taylor. The rod you would have paired with a smaller reel/line rating is not really a good combination imo. You can get a decent 4-8kg rod with a decent 3000/3500 reel combo for the $200. Thats what I would be doing but each to thier own
  17. Great idea, Im more interested in the PDF version so look forward to hearng about that.
  18. Absolute bugger but I understand though Jeff. It was one thing over the last few months of gloom that was giving me something to look forward to πŸ˜ͺ Corona wins again 😑
  19. Nice mixed bag there & a great day had
  20. Sounds like it's about the time to go & have a coffee. Not much you can do about tidal flow. There is a window of time if the surrounds allow to cast above the run & walk with the float as it rides the tide. When the run gets to strong it's time to clean the catch & go home imo. It is what it is.
  21. I guess the Pelican had to make an urgent call, hands free of course 😝 πŸ˜‚
  22. This should scare the crap out of them then 🀣 Sorry FHL, couldnt help myself on that one πŸ™„πŸ˜œ
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