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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Looks like a very enjoyable trip Love NZ. Next time I go back I intend to fish around bay of islands but might hit some of the streams as well as I just enjoy being in the mountains.
  2. Not quite sure what your saying, is the O ring in the postion as per you picture provided since you have had the boat?? If it is then I think you have been lucky. So are you going to move it back & retry? Anyway on the chance that is not the cause you have have has a pin hole open uo somethere? I had a small pin hole, literally the size of a pin head & over 4 hours ws letting in up to 5 ltrs+ of water under the weight of the hull. Good luck.
  3. And to leave some for the next person to. We dont want the weed beds to become like the toilet paper isle at the supermarket
  4. Imo that O ring should be at the very back of the plug not on the thread! Could be why its letting water in as the plug is not being threaded all the into the hole. Give it a try.
  5. When I got my 25hp 2 stroke in 2010 it was recommeneded to me to use Quicksilver oil as I believe it was recommended by Mercury. https://www.quicksilver-products.com/marine/outboard/lubricant/2-stroke-outboard-oil/ I have relatively recently noticed Mercury now have their own brand so not sure if has come onto the market fairly recently but when I run out of QS & think I will move over but both are premium & exceed TC-W3 rating https://www.mercurymarine.com/en-gb/au/parts-and-accessories/mercury-marine-products/precision-lubricants/2-cycle-outboard-oil/ I aslo used Mercury gear oil when I change that oil recently.
  6. https://www.fishraider.com.au/search/?&q=Weed&search_and_or=or
  7. For anyone who is interested? https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news/2013/09/ice-age-struck-indigenous-australians-hard/#:~:text=A NEW STUDY HAS revealed,condensed into small habitable areas.
  8. Just that Redmax reel alone retails for $50!! Agree with F2F, the only thing with cheaper gear is dont expect it to last a lifetime. If you get 10 years out of it well you have certainly gotten your moneys worth out of it! As with anything you buy in life you what you pay for & budget gear isnt built like bigger $$ gear, better blanks, better guided, better reel specs etc but will the budget gear catch fish, sure will. The good thing is there is something out there to suit every budget, at the end of the day we cant tell you what is the right desicion for you. It also helps if you actually go & have a look at the gear to get a feel for it.
  9. Sure, but they dont chill anywhere near as efficienty & quickly as ice!
  10. If it ever happened you probably would be talking about 1000's of years ago, maybe more! If you want to go back far enough at one point Australia was also part of a single land mass called Pangaea that split to form the current 7 continents. At another point in history Australia was actually a few smaller land masses & water/sea covered over 1/2 the continent. So anything is possible.
  11. Welcome aboard Zach. Not familiar with the area but I was able to find some old posts for you to look through that you might be able to get some info out of. If you want to look for info its a good idea to use the search tab. Good luck.
  12. Im an advicate for instant kil rather than keeping alive, the idea is to stop the build up of lactic acid in the fish by reducing stress. Agree with Baz, on his process & which species to bleed. Ike jime fish & get into an ice slurry. To further, I was only listeneing to the fishing show early Sunday morning on 2SM & dont know who it was but it made sence, stating any warmish blooded fish(pelagics) should Ike' jimed, bled, gilled, gutted & put into ice slurry to obtain the optimum fish/eating quality. If you watch any of the professionals & Tuna fishing shows you will see then scouping ic into the cavity, if you leave the gut in they say the fish will essentually cook from the inside, bit of an over exagerration but get it chilled asap. I have been told to do this with gummy shark as well which having read further fit into the same sort of catigory(sharks in general). Only stipulation is not to alter the fishes length in any way while out- Nsw dpi- Retained fish: All retained fish should be dispatched swiftly and humanely. Note: You must not alter the length of a fish with a legal size limit by filleting or removing the head or tail until well away from the water or at a fish cleaning facility. You may only gill, gut and scale fish. Undersize fish cannot be used as bait, they must be returned to the water immediately, even if they are injured or dead. So follow this precess when out on a boat & dont see why it should be an different shore based!
  13. Yep. Or try avoiding baits all together & try using SP's.
  14. For those who are looking at getting their licence I found these free radio operators handbooks online to study. I have seen these for sale online for $70. The only thing is these are not downloadable but is a great iewing version for PC https://www.amc.edu.au/industry/omc/handbooks-and-revision-questions/marine-vhf-radio-operators-handbook-for-viewing-only https://www.amc.edu.au/industry/omc/handbooks-and-revision-questions/marine-radio-operators-handbook-for-viewing-only However I did also find these slightly older PDF versions which you can print- Could be slightly different to the online versions above!! This one is the- MARINE RADIO OPERATORS HANDBOOK http://www.marineradiolicence.com.au/MR/marineradiohandbook2017.pdf This one is the- MARINE VHF RADIO OPERATORS HANDBOOK, its missing the from page thouugh. http://marineradiolicence.com.au/MR/VHF Radio Handbook.pdf Enjoy & good luck.
  15. Thanks Jon. I've been trying to get onto tre MR site over the last week to check but every time it goes to an error page. https://www.marinerescuensw.com.au/component/content?id=72/
  16. We use non commercial 80 channels of UHF unlicenced(even though amca want to change that to) freely and without cost so I don't get what the difference is. If it's not commercial why does it need to be licenced? Just another way government body trying to push agendas & make it more difficult for people to afford freedoms. I get why having the radio is a must & knowing how to use it but imo to say you can't use without doing a course & llicence @ $288 is ridiculous!! You can just read a manual & get the result for the required needs if the every day boater. There's enough unnecessary rules in the world, we don't need more! Won't be long & it will be a 50 point check before you get your boat off the trailer.
  17. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/using-waterways/navigation-communication/radio-network-services.html Personally, I think $288 for a licence is BS!
  18. My appologies for not contacting you Atul, I am still keen to go out one day with you in the near future. I'll hold onto your number & give you a buzz as the weather warms up a bit.
  19. Nice, well done to you Mrs I got one in Botany bay back in February I think it was. Not as big as that one but still a good enough size to take home. Was pretty tasty. Seems like they are becoming more common up this way!
  20. East ot Towra, he is referring to the heads. Just be aware its classed as open water so you need to ensure you have all the gear you need, maratime will often do checks! 9f-botany-bay-lower-georges-cooks.pdf As mentioned there is a lot of info in here, people are often chasing them to use for Kingy bait so I'd look under both topics- Botany bay squid or Botany bay kings. E.g
  21. Im new at it myself & watch as much footage as possible to get locations & a better idea of technique. And when I say footage thats both fishing shows & youtubes, whatever I can find. I look for familiar land marks & then go there & have a try, sometimes it works, sometimes you just have to move on & try another area. Also use the search tab on here to look at the past fishing reports. This was only put up by @jenno64 the other day, he's telling you where he was in this report! Squid will show up anywhere in the bay, Ive been fishing for flathead using SP's in the middle(actually almost all over the place) of the bay & had them follow my lure up. For that reason I have another rod rigged up with a jig, I leave the SP in th water & replace it with my jig. Not the most sporting way to pick them up but then again if they show up Im going to try & catch them. As Wesler is saying, those areas will produce. Sometimes it comes down to colour & rate of decent/weight. I have a jig bag with 6 2.5's, 6 3.0's & 6 3.5's of different colours & brands. As you can see from the report jenno64 used a couple of colours, maybe they went off the one colour so you have to be prepared to change it up You just have to persist. Good luck.
  22. If you scroll though it is there actually times zones in numeric numbers without names?? If so try +10 hours, thats the sydney time zone. I dont have much experience with Navionics but if you have it then i would try to load it. The main issue might be that if its protected it might ask for the product key?? Maybe not, just depends on the software licence agrrement.
  23. Nice work Yeh its annoying for sure, there are so many regularly caught fish noton that list & I think they should update it!
  24. Perfect eating size, nice work Rick
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