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Everything posted by Welster

  1. That’s a good feed. 63cm is a top blue spot.
  2. Given the wait at the ramp in hindsight it would of been heaps quicker. I have always gone down from the Hacking and usually fish a bit further south than the hump. Maybe you guys can point me in the right direction. For snapper from Belambi I thought heading south might be a good option.
  3. Well that’s a frustrating start to the day. It seems odd the tide is so low on a half moon. I have never used the Belambi ramp but your comments had me thinking about the short draw bar on my current boat. As far as fishing goes your efforts were well rewarded with a top feed. What depths were you fishing?
  4. People leaving headlights on when launching is so annoying. I am planning on putting an extra reversing light down low on my car, the light coming from the reversing lights on my car isn’t quite enough to reverse back easily.
  5. What an top 4 hour session. The harbour seems to just keep producing.
  6. I had a 5.3 Quintrex bow rider with millennium hill and now have a 5.7 Stacer. The Stacer is a much better riding and better all round responsive hull IMHO.
  7. Great work at the new spot. I have the same issue not getting my calamari as tender as a restaurant or shop. Minimal cooking time definitely helps though.
  8. Awesome report. It is great to see fish survive in good condition whilst parting with hooks stuck in them. I often think of how much spikey stuff they eat they have to deal with too
  9. No surprise he was knackered after that. Awesome effort.
  10. Squid and kings doesn’t get much better than that. Nice report
  11. Welster

    Old days

    My pops old 13ft cane rod I inherited when I was young. I spent ages binding new guides on and lacquering it. The only time I ever used it was one trip at Little beach and caught a Shovel Nose and Port Jackson.
  12. I was thinking that what you are suggesting is the way to go for SP’s casting ahead of the drift as Scratchie suggests. For just dropping and drifting with say a paternoster the other way is probably the go. I fired up the old stick welder at work the other day for the first time in about 10 years to make a few brackets. Next job is the anchor I just need to get a few chain links and I will probably use non shrink grout to fill it for a bit of extra weight.
  13. I did get to the Coffs store a few years ago and it was pretty big then, I bet they don’t even have any statistics to back it up. Also how do you want to measure it floor area, store volume, stock level or by sales. I get frustrated going to stores that don’t have what I am after in stock, they usually say it will be in, in the next week or so. Often it doesn’t show up for months. That leads me online to Dinga look up the item select and pay 2 days later it arrives to easy and at the right price. I do feel sorry for the small operators though.
  14. We were pretty lucky too. My parents had booked and paid for a cabin for the two nights and they let us cancel and have the credit for some time in the next year.
  15. Well done guys for showing up and having a crack especially Jeff for making it all happen. I was one of the guys that piked out after the weather looked average at best. I was bringing my dad and didn’t really want him out in crappy weather. The good news for me in the past couple days of days I have got heaps done around around the house that should help me get out on the water some other time. A few little boat jobs ticked off as well.
  16. Nice feed there mate well done.
  17. Good report and the salmon turning up would have been entertaining
  18. Nice fishing and a good feed. It’s the first time I have fished there so I’m not very familiar with the spots. I am pretty sure we didn’t go beyond the 40m mark.
  19. I have a funnel type sea anchor and I don’t rate it at all, it’s probably 0.5m too. The parachute one I lost a few weeks ago was much better hopefully the new one dies the trick.
  20. That’s a great first well done.
  21. Great footage. Salmon are so much fun and s good surprise up the river with a one hour session.
  22. Top day on the water. It’s great to see the kings still around. Why is it the girls always put fish the guys?
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